Chapter 191: How do you want to thank me?

Watching Ling Feng's sly gaze, Yang Guihua found it amusing, so her beautiful eyes blinked: "How long has it been and you still haven't left?"

After Ling Feng's eyes widened excitedly, she chuckled and said, "The last one left, but this one came again!"


Ling Feng immediately looked disappointed: "No way? Am I paving the way for your relatives? Whenever I come, they come too?"


Yang Guihua laughed so hard she doubled over, then reached out her fair finger to tap his forehead: "You, always thinking about this kind of thing? Did you take our previous agreement seriously?"

"Of course, ever since I saw you last time, I've been thinking about them!" Ling Feng stretched out his hands and made a grabbing motion toward her chest!

Yang Guihua's face flushed red and she glared at him: "You little hooligan, even if the relatives haven't arrived, big sister doesn't have time to pamper you today, some other day!"

"You're lying to me!" Ling Feng's eyes widened.