Chapter 196: Twin Sisters

The next morning, a group of workers arrived at the constant temperature room.

With ten thousand bags of cultivation material, Ling Feng would've been exhausted doing the inoculation by himself.

So he asked the villagers who worked for him to help. Each person was given blocks of fungus he had cultured the night before, and all they needed to do was put them into the bags and then seal them.

More than ten people were busy all morning, and after another two hours in the afternoon, the inoculation work was finally completed.

The remaining management tasks were left to Old Sun alone. After the mushrooms grew out, they could be sprayed with water infused with Spiritual Power and harvested soon after.

Once he finished these tasks, Ling Feng took leave with Li Shiyun and once again rode the tricycle to the county city.

Wang Laogen was already waiting. As soon as Ling Feng got on his car, he asked, "Where are we going?"

"Wanshou County."