Chapter 214 Who is she!

Seeing his eager expression, Li Shiyun felt a sweetness in her heart, and immediately put aside all the emotions in her heart to respond to him.

Just as the two were lost in their world, reveling in boundless pleasure, Li Fei'er's voice came from outside, "Uncle? Are you there?"

"Not here!" Ling Feng shouted.

As soon as he said it, he regretted it. Wasn't this just burying one's head in the sand?

Li Shiyun, who was originally distraught and panting continuously, opened her eyes and glared at him reproachfully, reaching out to push him away.

At this critical juncture, Ling Feng naturally refused to give in, so he held her hand and then said loudly, "Busy right now, just entertain yourself!"


Li Fei'er responded, and suddenly there was no more sound.

Seeing Li Shiyun's embarrassed expression, Ling Feng found it even more thrilling and immediately kissed her without restraint!

It was a while before the panting stopped.