Chapter 221 Spare me please!

Although those people fled in all directions, none of them could outrun the wolf, and so very quickly, more than a dozen were bitten!

Screams of agony filled the air, sounding so harrowing it was as if they were in the hell on earth.

And the wolf had vanished without a trace, its presence as mysterious as its departure.

Ling Feng chuckled inwardly, surprised that Wang Cai was so perceptive, granting him an unexpected delight.

Seeing Li Qiang clutching his thigh in unbearable pain, he re-emphasized, "I'm not trying to scare you, but if you don't get the rabies vaccine, the consequences can be very dangerous!"

"You, you set this up on purpose, didn't you?" Li Qiang asked through gritted teeth.

"How could that be possible? I had no idea you would come, and besides, who can arrange for a wolf to wait here to target you?" Ling Feng spread his hands, asking with an innocent expression.