Chapter 284 Go With the Flow

The two of them got out of bed and washed up, just finishing when a series of hurried footsteps came from outside.

Then the door was knocked, and Miao Lanlan's voice came from outside, "Sis, are you there?"


Miao Ruoruo glanced down at her clothes and ran over to open the door.

"I'm dying of thirst..."

Miao Lanlan burst in like a whirlwind, but then she saw Ling Feng sitting on the couch and her eyes went wide, "Eh! You, how did you get here?"

"Guess!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Pssh, can't be bothered to guess!"

Miao Lanlan gave him a disdainful look, picked up the water cup from the table, and drank several big gulps in a very unladylike fashion, then belched with satisfaction!

Ling Feng was speechless. This girl really wasn't ladylike. How could there be such a big difference between the sisters?

There seemed to be a tacit understanding between the two; they both pretended to have forgotten the incident at the county town's hotel, as if it had never happened.