Chapter 288 Submission

The Short Dagger shone, and the brilliance that had been with it since entering the Nine Heavens suddenly appeared!

Chu Bo, who had been quite pleased with himself, paused in surprise upon seeing this radiance!

Then, narrowing his eyes, he looked at Ling Feng, "I hadn't expected you to have such a treasure in your possession!"

After a pause, excitement flashed in his eyes, "If that's the case, let's test our weapons against each other and see whose is more powerful!"

"I'm more than willing!"

Ling Feng had great confidence in the power of his Short Dagger, as since obtaining it, nothing had proven uncuttable!

As for the opponent's Palm Knife, Ling Feng wasn't sure if it was an illusion of the hand or if the young man had no right hand and had installed a prosthetic to use as a weapon, but Ling Feng was certain it was no match for his own Short Dagger!