Xiao Yan's anger, Lin Tian's happiness

"Who are you anyway? Why are you helping me?" Xiao Yan looked at Huang Dianzuo, and asked curiously.

He had never met or seen Huang Dianzuo's face before, he didn't know who he really Is.

"My name is Huang Dianzuo, I am one of the generals in Qin country. And the reason I'm helping you is because of a debt of gratitude." Huang Dianzuo said with a smile.

"Debt of gratitude?" Xiao Yan said in confusion.

"Yes, your father helped me when I almost died at the border about 10 years ago, he is also my friend. He always said that if he died one day, I must protect and help you." Huang Dianzuo said with a smile, explaining to Xiao Yan.

"Oh, I see." Xiao Yan nodded.

"Xiao Yan, I must remind you, Lin Tian is very dangerous, you better forget your troubles with him." Huang Dianzuo suddenly said seriously.

"Uncle Huang, that's impossible, Lin Tian always makes things difficult for me. I believe he wants to kill me." Xiao Yan shook his head, and said.