Lin Zhan's power

Long Aotian looked at Liu Xue with a look of admiration, she was very beautiful and strong, far different from his wife.

But he immediately shook his head, he couldn't think like that, Yang Xinan was still his wife, and he loved her so much, he still didn't give up on her.

Honestly, seeing Liu Xue fighting those monsters made his heart beat faster. He wanted to make Liu Xue his woman.


Suddenly a sabertooth pounced on him and made him fall to the ground.

Long Aotian grabbed the two long sabertooth fangs and tore them apart until his head was torn in two.

Long Aotian became serious again, let's forget about Liu Xue first, now he needs to focus on slaughtering those monsters.

There were still thousands of monsters in the camp area, and they always appeared from the depths of the forest.