
- Don't worry about it. I'm going to do it.

It was on this unfortunate bed, a starry night in the vault, that they began their love affair.

First, they kissed each other while caressing tirelessly. But when it came time to undress Ariadne, the stranger did not waste time removing her beautiful shiny dress, but burned them very quickly and with terrible skill. He even burned her skin, strong enough to awaken her to delicious pain without hurting her until she was completely naked, revealing a radiant beauty, fabulously free in the night for love.

He stroked every part of her body. Each place, especially the most sensitive, was devoured and marked with his skillful hands and his greedy mouth. A perfect talent. He took her chest and massaged it, sensually kneaded it, sucking, biting in turn the pink buttons. Ariadne screamed, twisted with pleasure under the flaming ravages of pleasure. Feeling that masterful mouth on her body was a wonder. Two fingers opened the lower lips from her femininity and penetrated into the deep cavity, already wet and impatient.

They prepared Ariadne for the sublime union.

But when the tongue replaced the fingers and explored the moist cavity, Ariadne was dazzled and wept with joy. An unbearable heat born from her belly, exploded and spread terribly throughout her being.

- Please, never again.

But the dark unknown only laughed.

- It's not even the beginning of our eroticism yet.

Then without delay, he penetrated her, conqueror, magician, sovereign, and sank to the very depths of her being. Ariadne clung to him as she abandoned the rest of the world to live only in the present moment. She can't explain any of these emotions. She was only grateful for coming, for being one of the few people chosen by this man and by life itself to experience the pleasure that most people, even those who were allowed to live a thousand years, will never know.

And when they reached as one soul the immortal pleasure and perfect fullness. Ariadne believed that she was living the freedom of the heart, she could only cry, it was inevitable. Filled and feeling so light as the astral ray, she looked up at the stars that kept all the women's secrets in them.

They smiled and shut up for a few minutes.

- So, how was it? The dark stranger finally asks by stroking her neck.

- I'll answer you if you take off your mask.

- So, unfortunately, I will never know the answer.

- But why can't you show me your face? You had seen mine and you know my name for reasons that only you are aware of.

- Yes, and you look beautiful. But my face is a little special, and if you had to get my name, you can just as well as the rest of the world, hate me for who I am.

- Let me be the judge of that.

- I know what you'd say if you knew me. And there's too much to bear for one person.

- Like what?

- Like the pleasure I had in owning your body.

Ariadne, closed her eyes for a moment.

- I want to keep you, stranger. Whoever you are, I want to keep you forever.

- Oh, really?

- Yes. Oh, yes. Even though we just met, I have this uncontrollable desire.

- I am honored that a woman like you desires me so much, so eternally.

- Isn't that right? The truth is sometimes so simple and beautiful. Unfortunately, I am also unfortunately sure of our reality. Despite my wish and the unimaginable strength you possess, I will never have the power to keep you to myself. And I doubt anyone could ever do that.

He had a cynical laugh.

- Yeah. Someone told me once. A long time ago, someone I loved, infinitely.

- A woman, isn't it?

- Of course. But as you understood, nothing was enough to hold her back.

- So this woman couldn't help but love you, and condemned herself.

He nodded.

- She's not anymore. And I hope that in the next life, she will finally achieve what she wants most.

- I'm sorry. Was the only thing Ariadne could whisper, while stroking his hair and then skin.

- Thank you. As most people have said, I will never have happiness. I will always ignore the joy of being caught and locked in your tenderness. But for this night, this incomparable night, I would only be yours. Totally. So, uh.....

- So love me until dawn hunts down that night you love so much.

- Yes.

- Do you promise me that?

- That's what I'm going to do.

And as he had promised, he loved her, as deeply as he was able to do in these circumstances. Passionately, hard, tirelessly, as if their night was the threshold of all endings. Their ignorance of each other amplified this unique union. The stranger shared her magic, constantly revitalizing Ariadne's body so that it could last until the next morning.

The latter ignored how many times, he united their bodies, how many times the magnificent being poured his seed into her belly, and how many times, together, they reached those unchanging peaks of infinite ecstasy that she had desired to explore all her life. But in the end, the number didn't matter.

When the bright line appeared on the horizon and touched the foreigner's body slightly, he exclaimed slightly in pain.

- Does the light hurt you, stranger?

But he shook his head with tenderness.

- No, light is not what hurts me.

Ariadne stroked his face.

- You really don't want to show me your face?

- No. It's better this way. Trust me, I'm telling you.

- Did you know that your choice is bleeding me.

- Perhaps. But if you see what you're doing to me inside, then your power would make you greedy.

She scratched his back passionately, and they kissed again and again.

Then Ariadne closed her eyes, taking his smile with her. And when she woke up, she was lying on a four-poster bed, located in a suite in the palace of Aclon. Alone.

The fairy tale of one night had ended with the light of day, and her heart seemed irreparably broken.

Ariadne searched for various words to describe what she had experienced. But in the end, as she had assumed, nothing could have been enough to do it. She could have used - pleasure, rapture, happiness, and even love. However, no word, not even the biggest, could ever have defined what the stranger made her discover. It was simply incomparable and unalterable.

And finally, after asking questions to the Grand Duke, but having only received vague answers, she decided to turn the page and continue on her own, with the only treasure, her memories that he had made sure be imperishable