
Ariadne was far too absorbed in Emyr's magic and her memory of an unforgettable night of love that she missed so much that she paid no attention to what her friends were telling her or rather shouting at her. The princess still vaguely felt their growing worries, but the intoxicating effects of the sacred fire enveloped her entirely, and she lost her footing, not realizing that she was inexorably sinking into a dangerous and invisible trap.

But as she began to find this "Emyr fire" very strange and malicious. Moreover, the others, who also realized the evil spell of magic, began to panic and howled with terror.



- Please, I beg you!


- But why would you want me to stop now? Asked an arrogant voice.

- The fire is too intense! It hurts! It hurts!

- Nevertheless, you find this extraordinary, don't you? Isn't that what you wanted to find here. I gave you everything, so be grateful.


In a place that had become a terrifying world of fire and disproportion, where people began to fall, collapse and destroy each other, Ariadne still thought the magician was right. They had all come to him in search of something beyond the world. But the falls of the moment were terribly numerous to compensate for this sumptuous and poisoned gift. Whatever it was, the consciousness of her horrible desire broke her more than the cursed fire did. And now that she became aware of her naivety and this terrible experience, she accepted how pathetic she was.

She shook her head, closing her eyes. She had tried to convince herself out of pride that pleasure was the only thing that mattered to her, the same thing she had experienced during the masked night, but the truth was simpler and deeper, she just wanted to find her masked lover. But in the end, she thought, her wish was a little too big to be granted. If only she had realized her mistake earlier, she might not be so eager for regret.

Her whole being suffered and bled.

- I gave you what you wanted, the extraordinary.

"Yes, we know that. I know that anyway."

This Emyr fire as false as the lie was so fantastic and so cold that it froze every cell in her body and plunged it into darkness.

Ariadne woke up to the sound of water that flowed endlessly and to the feeling of an even more detestable coldness.

When she had the strength to open her eyes again, she discovered that she was lying pitifully on a very large islet of floating wood. Horrified, she immediately noted that she was not alone in finding herself lost in this terrible situation.

There were about a hundred of them, all victims, firmly attached to this island, surrounded by a dark and bottomless ocean. Those who, like her, regained consciousness began to whisper, gloomy.

- What the hell are we doing here?

- What are they planning to do to us?

- Why are we here? Why are we here?

- But where are we exactly?

- I want to go home.

- What do these people want from us in the end?

- Why? Why me? What did I do?

Complaints and questions arose from everywhere and kept increasing, making the wet space even heavier, but no answer satisfied their legitimate curiosity. And so, as their invisible jailers must have rejoiced, their lamentations dwindled and fell into the ashes of the cold of their ruthless waters.

- But what have we here! Suddenly exclaimed a voice above them. A princess! And a majestically beautiful one so as not to spoil anything. What a mistake on our part, please excuse us for this inexcusable act, Your Highness.

- What the hell...?

- We almost succumbed to a regrettable mistake, fortunately I arrived on time. We should never sacrifice such a masterpiece of life. But still, when I think I fought for my monsters. Never knowing the pleasure of your flesh would probably have been a curse that would have pursued me forever.

- Do you know who I am? Ariadne asked weakly, still feeling stupidly dizzy.

- Of course, you have to be naive not to recognize yourself! Sargoymo Adegeor Ariadne, royal princess of Adegeor, one of the most peaceful Nations in the world, a very loyal ally of Zeujor. But with your great beauty, you have the nickname of the jewel of Sargoyomo.

- What are you going to do to me and all these people? She asked as she came to her senses.

- For your case which represents a very great value, of course, I will hurry without delay to send your parents a polite letter, do not worry, asking them for an astronomical sum in exchange for your person.

- But what about the others?

- These others? He exclaimed as if she was asking for something negligible. But these other stupid, useless and miserable people are only good for feeding my beautiful animals.

- What?

- If I want them to stay as beautiful and strong as they are now, I have a duty to feed them perfectly.

- Are you serious? But these people are living beings like us!

The wizard laughed mockingly.

- Oh, the princesses! People like you have been locked in your splendid cloistered palaces for too long, young lady, to understand the hard and real life that exists outside and that is forbidden to cross your golden walls.

- I don't care what you think of me or my people! Even the ignorant princess that I am, knows exactly what you are and will do, you will commit an act without mercy or laws, a despicable act that defines you and nothing else. You're the monster here. You kept saying that these innocent people are just trash? But the real scumbag is you. Do not try to hide your despicable nature behind misfortune or ignorance of others, always finding bad excuses to justify your lost soul, this only makes you even more guilty.

- Such a beautiful voice, it's been a long time since I've heard such a light one. A strong and enlightening princess like we rarely do. And now that I have seen you and listened carefully, I am convinced that you are worthy of the reputation of your clan, the Sargoymo, great pacifists. That's why I forgive you for your hurtful speech. And I also hope that these people were deeply touched by those words of consolation that you proclaimed in the desperate effort to save them.

He looked at her, in a hatefully sadistic way.

- And if you intend to call for help with your powers, let me first advise you to give up this idea, because no one will ever come to your aid, being a princess will not help you here.....

Suddenly, he reached out his hand and used his black magic to pull her towards him. And holding her tightly in his arms, he crushed her against his body draped in black. Ariadne quickly felt through his black velvet fabric, his ugly coldness which gave her a feeling of extreme disgust and helpless rage.

- Don't do that. Don't kill those people! The money you will receive from my parents will be more than enough to satisfy your immense thirst for wealth and unhealthy pleasure.

But the jailer only smiled at her words.

- Princess, I would hate to spend the money I would hardly have received from your rich family for the dinner of my beautiful monsters. No! I prefer to spend it more wisely and selfishly. Oh yes! Yes! Now that I remember, beautiful princess, I have not yet introduced you to my dear creatures. Then look fit to meet them, Your Highness. There they are right now.

Even before he finished his sentence, Ariadne, who had already felt these tremors and cries from the depths of the water, no longer had any doubt about their source.

Now, the earthquake had intensified considerably. Growing and unleashing its power, the sea became a boiling cauldron, and finally emerged from this repulsive world, sea monsters whose black greed proudly reflected that of their master.

His little beasts, which Mertillo seemed so proud of, had the size of titans, black and shiny, with a monstrous and macabre appearance that haunted nightmares. She saw horns, tails longer than the metal chains of the Adegeor bridges, sharp claws, exorbitant and murderous eyes, looking at them with terrible hunger, bodies probably containing a force that could erase any enemy. Moreover, they surrounded their future feast with untenable impatience.

Faced with this vision of evil against her will, Ariadne finally admitted that they were lost. That it was the end.

- My beautiful children, admire these delicious little dishes that your father brought especially for you, please indulge yourself. And devour until there's nothing left.

"All this is pure illusion, isn't it? Just a dream, a bad dream that hurts and seems so real, but nothing else. And soon, when it dissipates into the light, I will wake up with relief and find myself in my royal pink room, surrounded by my parents and familiar things. That's right, that is a dream! Just a dream."