New night

They made love. He was so gentle, guessing that for her it was the first time. So gentle that Ariadne could do nothing but shed tears. She was so grateful to him for this tender touch, this restraint to get her body used to love. Her love only grew. Then all the other times were like that, tender and wonderful.

And when the young woman decided to introduce Astieme to her family, her sister was there, passing between two trips. A very fashionable model, Marion could rarely go home. She was obviously a dazzling beauty and was as blonde as Ariane was redheaded although she had absolutely nothing to envy her in charm and grace. Since that moment, the young lawyer felt a definite change in Astieme's attitude. She was surprised of course, but she tried to attribute this change to work, to more complex and difficult cases to solve. Although this tarnished her innocent happiness, it did not prevent her from continuing to be happy and to think about the future with confidence and serenity.