
Moreover, as soon as he saw her advancing towards her, Aclon Hugues offered her a wide smile half-fig, half-raisin.

- Ah here you are my dear, finally awake?

- Yes, as you can see.

- I hope you slept well.

- Of course," remarked Ariadne, with a wry smile on her lips. I just came to congratulate you on your wonderful birthday party, although I couldn't have expected less from you, and I reiterate my gratitude for allowing me to attend.

- What a compliment my dear. The pleasure was mine. And between us you don't need to force me to convince me of your pleasure, it was of an indisputable evidence. Of course, this is without counting your absence at the cutting of the gift.

- Isn't it so?

Her host was disconcerted in front of so much frankness without any artifice.

- I will now take my leave.

Ariadne nodded to them and then walked away.

But with a few meters of the associate of her best friend, this one stopped her by bloody words.

- Ariadne?