
- Here, he said triumphantly while putting it in his pocket, I will give it to Grace who will arrange to have it on her finger officially. And this time, the engagement will be authentic.

- You're wrong, Azhewo," the young woman contracted, raising her shoulders and challenging the head of the illustrious Venezian clan with a determination that surprised him. "I will never again let Grace hurt my Zeujor. She had her chance but she missed it. Now she must pay the consequences of her choice.

The fact that his former lover was so determined to protect someone whose feelings ran deeper than he could have imagined shook him and hurt him intensely. Ariadne shuddered, not daring to believe what she was seeing on the face of the man in her life, this being so magnificent and full of certainty, whose face was usually always imperious and unwavering, and who was now showing uncertainty, bewilderment and a slight defeat.