
After receiving this priceless gift, Yhoemes tried to catch his breath before taking his lover in his arms and laying her on top of him. 

- Witch, you subject me to absolute pleasure.

- And that does not please you? Asked the young woman aguichante by biting his lips, and rubbing her breasts against the muscular chest of her lover.

- Of course that not. And to arouse in me so many uncontrollable sensations, it is almost like a sin.

The young woman laughed.

- I understand better the madness of the world then.

- So do I. And I think I'll end up killing you for it.

Ariadne raised her head, touched by the tone of her love's voice. His expression was as strange as it was vibrant. Ariadne smiled at him.

- Do you hate what I'm doing to you so much that you'll fall into the darkness?

- Of course I do. If only you could see it and understand. And I don't think I could ever forgive you.