
No matter what the emotional consequences of her words, she would not let herself be hurt.

Euho felt very uncomfortable, while Azhewo leaned nonchalantly on the back of the sofa, one hand stretched behind his lover's back.

But Ariadne felt that something changed in him, a subtle movement, a vague reaction, a coldness penetrated her, an icy sensation from Azhewo. And she became afraid.

  Euho took Amy with him, and she was alone with him again.

  - You were a little too hard on her, weren't you? he noted casually.

  - What?" Ariadne snapped.

  - I know that she was the one who attacked you first, but still, you could have shown a little more diplomacy and composure. 

- No, I couldn't! I refused to do so. It would be easy to let such venomous insinuations slide.

  - At least I know that the name "Adegeor" was earned. You really are fire.

  - I'll say this for you, Señor Zeujor.

  - Do you really believe that?