Bright hope

  - No, she didn't have that right. 

He shook his head, before heading for the door.

  - Go to hell Azhewo. My sister was too good for you. To think that she really loved you. To think she was ready to spend her whole life with you. But luckily she found out in time about the monster she was about to marry. Now I know she'll find happiness in the arms of another man. While you, you will wander endlessly. 

And I wish you to suffer a thousand times more than my sister".

  Then he slammed the door.

  That day I decided to go and see Clara. 

  God knows how to do things.

  Since no one was around when the doorbell rang, I allowed myself to enter; through the window, however, since the door was closed.

  And what I saw upset me. Clara was in tears, lying on the floor, paralyzed with pain. 

  - baby.

  - It's okay Clara, I'm here. I'll call an ambulance. You and your baby will be okay.