Chapter 001: Prelude

(The prelude starts after this, but I'd appreciate it if you share your ideas 😄 )

It won't be a detailed plan but just a basic one. This is where you can give your ideas and input into it so that I can consider them and add them to the story if I like it.

Just a reminder for all of you:

(The beginning will be in the Abyss with the exception of the prelude. So it will take some time before the Mc travels. Since I'd like to set a solid foundation for him to grow upon.)

The story will have many worlds but since I want an original story all of them will have similarities with certain movies, animes, mangas, or novels BUT NONE OF THEM WILL BE REPLICAS of the real ones. (So only certain mechanics such as powers or cool names will be used, but not the plot or characters, but I don't mind if you want some of my own characters to have other characters' looks (like a face) or whatever.) Of course, I will also add my own original worlds. Btw this is a good point where you could give ideas for the foundation of a world (universe/galaxy or multiverse works too).

The story takes place in the Omniverse, where all Multiverses and Realities exist simultaneously. Btw, there is nothing outside of the Omniverse just for your information. There will be a continuous cycle of creation and destruction through the Big Bang and the Apocalypse which happens at the beginning and at the end. (Heaven and the Abyss (Hell) will be immune to it as they started existing at the same time the Omniverse existed. You will know why later on.)

Thanks to anyone who shares his ideas or suggestions. I appreciate it!!

(You can put your ideas here. Or in the comment section.)


-Beginning of the Story:

Before anything existed, there was only…


Until something emerged from the void…

Non-existence, an orb.

Non-existence knew that it needed to find a balance with its opposite, existence, just like a magnet needs another pole to function.

Otherwise, both would face a terrible fate. So, for the first time in its eternal non-existence, it searched for its counterpart through attraction.

And it found existence.

It reached existence after travelling through the endless nothingness for a timeless duration, before the concept of time even began. It was a paradox of eternal temporality. It was also doubtful that non-existence ever moved when nothing was there…

When it met existence, it tried to fuse with it. But it failed…

So non-existence and existence stayed by each other's side, as close as they could. But they couldn't get too close, as they were incompatible.

Non-existence and existence began to fade away after another eternity passed in the vast nothingness. They realized that if they didn't fuse or achieve something similar, they would cease to be.

In a desperate attempt to prevent this, they forced themselves to fuse with each other. But this only made them fade faster.

In the end, it seemed that they…

Failed, again.

Or not.

With the last remnants of their being, they managed to fuse with each other. The result was a massive explosion that threatened to destroy everything. But before that happened, they gave birth to something…

It was a short-lived being, but it had a great power. It created two eggs within itself and reversed its nature like a reset to create rather than destroy.

But it soon realized that both creation and destruction had to exist in harmony, or else it wouldn't work. So it made one egg embody creation and the other embody destruction. The creation egg turned pure white and the destruction egg turned abyssal black.

Then it self-destructed, becoming destruction but spreading creation.

(Pictures Here)

This was the Omni Creational Bang. That was what it named itself, as it thought it was fitting.

The Omni Creational Bang filled the infinite nothingness with its essence, and the rock was born.

From the rock, all the planets, stars, solar systems, universes, galaxies, superclusters, and multiverse emerged almost instantly, creating the Abyss and Heaven that encompassed everything and were connected to everything, but also separated from each other.

The pure white creation egg fell into Heaven and the abyssal black destruction egg fell into the Abyss. But neither of them had any souls, so they just developed their bodies and created pure white creation and abyssal black destruction blank souls, waiting for something to fuse with real souls in the future.

The Omniverse occasionally had brief thoughts, and in those moments, it determined that the eggs would never hatch, because they lacked souls. Even though they were created at the same time as it, before it ended, they didn't have souls, because it didn't know much about them and didn't make them for the eggs. But now that it had seen the mindless creatures born in the Abyss, it understood.

Even though they had very weak souls compared to the vast blank souls that the eggs had, they were still real souls. As for Heaven, a huge tree grew around the white creation egg.

In the deepest part of the Abyss, the black destruction egg was the core of the Abyss. It was in the middle of nowhere, since the Abyss had no bottom.

To solve the problem, it took the souls of two creatures that would exist in the future. They were both taken when their world faced doom. The first was the purest form of life ever, a Lihgorio. It was put into the pure white creation egg.

Then it took a human. Humans could be more self-destructive than demons or even become angels. But the purest form of them was when they were still infants.

It was not this trait that made it choose a human for the black destruction egg, but rather their ability to adapt and innovate. The Lihgorio was also very adaptable, but more focused on maintaining order, while humans were known for chaos…

It made both procedures look natural, and then it became inactive and left its work to them.

That was how it all began.


Do you have any ideas on how I could make it better?

Did you like it?

Is there anything wrong that I need to correct?

Since I hope you like the prelude. As for the plan for the plot, I will withhold it or it would spoil too much 😉