Chapter 009: New World

This should have already been uploaded yesterday through that "timer" though it didn't do that so when I just checked it after coming from work, I kinda feel bad for you guys since I'm kind of at fault here but that's just because I have no idea how that "timer" release thing of web novel works.

I hope you can forgive me, if not then so be it...

Anyway, let's continue with the chapter and stop reading my lame excuses...


**POV CHANGE** (1 year before Diablo's summoning)

In a certain city at the very center of it, there is a huge "prison" in the shape of an ancient old tower where countless death row prisoners are being kept. The prison has tight security with countless guards guarding it. In addition, there is a magic flame at the top of the tower that looks like an eye that looks over the whole city.

The city looks half-modern and half-medieval considering the two large castles that are on each side of a mountain range that is filled with machinery and magic lights as well as the harbor that is located on the river which leads to the sea which looks more modern than the city as well.

(City, Picture Here)

At this time there was a huge ship "landing" in the harbor from the skies that looked rather majestic with its gold coating and huge magic crystal at the top of it. When the ship docked at the harbor, it let down its magic blue-light stairs for its passengers.

Following that, people started walking down that looked rather "weird". As the first people started walking down, they formed a formation of four knights side by side with more behind them. Though what became clear pretty quickly is that all of them had expensive equipment. This is because they were completely covered in armor and had a long longsword that they held in front of them which without any exceptions had gold and some green crystals covering it.

Others would immediately recognize them as the Divine Knights that originate from the Divine City that resides in the skies located above the Divine Empire.

(Divine Knight, Picture Here)

On the right side of the whole formation, there was a larger "knight" that stood at around 2.30m without any helmet, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a serious expression on his face. What made this "knight" special wasn't his height or the fact that he didn't wear a helmet but rather the iconic white-golden armor and "huge" longsword that both had several "crystals" attached to it which means that he was a Divine Commander!

(Divine Commander, Picture Here)

And right next to him was an old man with white hair, a white beard, white-blue eyes, and a solemn face who was wearing a large priest hat and priest robes with two shoulder plates and was holding an open book that seemed to be projecting some runes. It's obvious by now that this was a Divine Priest and not just any Divine Priest but a High-leveled one.

(Divine Priest, Picture Here)

So after all of them went down the magic blue-light stairs, they started heading to the gates of the city wall which started opening automatically upon their arrival. Upon entering the gates, they were met by guards in a luxurious carriage to make the journey easier.

Guard Captain Tim: "Welcome, your holiness to the city of Drak. We were sent by Duke Jermy Frankenstein to make your travel easier as the other Nobels are already waiting for you in the Niflheim Tower."

The Divine Commander nodded to this and said: "Alright, lead the way"

Where they afterward entered the carriage and drove to the massive gate from the Niflheim Tower which took them about 15 minutes.

After they arrived there the massive gate started to open very slowly as massive lights shined in the dark night. As soon as it completely opened, they stepped out of the carriage and headed toward the massive gate to enter the tower, surrounded by the city guards and Divine Knights.

After they entered the Niflheim Tower they were greeted by a large path that led to another opened gate that was half as large as the front gate where they could see two paths where one led to a magic formation and the other downward into an unknown place. As they looked at both paths for a split second, they took the path that led to the magic formation led by the City Guard Captain, who has remained silent ever since they first encountered him.

Once they reached the magic formation and stood above it, the magic formation started lighting up which ended up covering them, therefore, causing their eyes to lose sight for the duration that the "light" covered them. So after it went away they saw that they were in another place once again.

The place they found themselves was in a gathering place where they could see that there were already a few Nobels and Duke Jermy Frankenstein waiting in front of them.

So after seeing that they had arrived, Duke Jermy Frankenstein went forward as the representative to greet them as he made a formal bow which is commonly seen as Nobel etiquette, and started speaking.

Duke Jermy Frankenstein: "I greet your holiness and personally welcome you to the Ugropis Empire in the capital city of Drak on the Niflheim Tower."

"May I ask a question to your holiness? Since you have arrived here without prior notice, we don't have any idea as to what your purpose might be. Though I'm not expecting any answer so feel free to decide whether we are allowed to hear your purpose."

Divine Priest: "Hmm, you'll know once we reach Emperor Braham Kaddren of Ugropis"

After hearing the Divine Priest's words, Duke Jermy Frankenstein nodded to this and said:

"Alright, we shall have a feast first as we wait for the Emperor to call for us."

Once he said this he started to lead the Divine Priest and his Knights into a huge hall with exquisite decorations with a long table that was filled with food. Seeing this the Divine Command silently sat right next to the Divine Priest and started eating A LOT without making a sound which looked rather bizarre.

[1 hour later...]

After eating and talking with the Nobels for a bit the Divine Priest and his entourage were finally called by the Emperor after "waiting" for 1 hour. Therefore they followed the royal guard that led them into a long hall filled with pictures of the past Emperors of Ugropis where one particular past Emperor stood out as he was the first Emperor of the current Ugropis Empire.

He looked rather old as he had a white beard and hair, his eyes were brown and he was wearing the Emperor's Coat that had a white-golden theme. For his age, which seemed pretty old, he looked pretty handsome and Nobel due to all the gold.

(First Ugropis Emperor, Picture Here)

After looking at the pictures and decorations for a bit as they were led by the royal guard they finally arrived at the Emperor's throne room.

At first glance, one could see a 2,5m tall armored man standing beside the Emperor. His armor looked very unique as it looked to be pretty light considering that the armor is covering him from head to toe. It gave off a faint pressure and was a mix of blue, gold, and silver.

If you were knowledgeable then you would immediately recognize the divine weapon he was holding, which was a white lance. This was the iconic symbol of the Lance Hero of Nifelheim.

(Lance Hero of Nifelheim, Picture Here)

Right beside the Lance Hero of Nifelheim was Emperor Braham Kaddren of Ugropis who had a black crown and was wearing a red cape with white fur that hung around his shoulders and covered part of his rather militaristic uniform that was black-gold with a red-golden crest at his left shoulder and black armguards as well as a sword that he held with his left arm that was currently residing in its sheath.

He had an aged face with gray-black colored hair and beard as well as a serious face where it was hard to tell what he was currently feeling or thinking.

(Emperor Braham Kaddren of Ugropis, Picture Here)

As they arrived the Divine Priest was the first to take the initiative to talk with the Emperor. That's why he took a step forward and said with a small smile: "Long time no see your Majesty Braham, how are you?"

The Emperor gave a small smile as well before replying: "Well I'm good, old friend, I hope you're as well. You don't have to talk formally with me by the way. Though we should postpone that for later."

"May I ask why you've come here so suddenly Divine High Priest Adran?"

The Divine Priest nodded and started talking about his purpose as he replied to the Emperor:

"Well, you see..."

"I have good news and bad news."

"Practically a prophecy from our Prophet..."

"Which one would you like to hear?"

Emperor Braham frowned a little after hearing his old friend's words and thought for a split moment before saying: "Hmm..."

"Tell me the bad news first. Since I know for a fact that there is never any good news in prophecies..."

The Divine Priest Adran smiled bitterly at that, nodded, and then started speaking with a serious voice and face:

"Well, you see..."

"This prophecy is about the Demon Empire that is located in the Demon Realm..."

The Emperor immediately started frowning harder once he heard this.

"So it was said that a 'True Demon' will descent upon our Valinor world"

"And it is a full-grown one..."

"Which basically spells D I S A S T E R..."

"The 'False Demons' will try to summon someone that they call the 'First Demon Diablo' "

"From the prophecy, it is said that they somehow gained part of his true name by using an Omni-origin crystal which enables them to summon him directly with enough sacrifices"

After hearing all of this, Emperor Braham's face darkened to the extreme as if he wanted to shove this problem to someone else that's why he asked with a slightly trembling voice due to knowing the significance of a 'True Demon': "What is the good news then...?"

The Divine Priest Adran only shook his head and revealed the "good news".


"There is a 'chosen one' but he will only appear after the second descent of 'Diablo' which means that we will have to face this disaster head-on and can only deal with him on his supposed second descent"

"So any unlucky place he targets first will undoubtedly suffer a lot..."

"You know what that means, right?"

"One could say that the current Divine Empire is doomed if nothing unexpected happens..."

"Since we are the Demon Empires' main enemy..."

Emperor Braham couldn't help but ask: "But isn't it possible for you to ask for the 'True Angels' help?"

Divine Priest Adran's face darkened a little and he replied with a firm: "NO. It's improbable."

"The only thing we can hope to get from them is the 'Divine State' that we can use for one person"

"Though you know the consequences of that, death."

"Which means that one hero with a strong body that can withstand the 'Divine State' needs to sacrifice himself to possibly stand a chance against the 'Ture Demon, Diablo' and take him down."

"And we both know that none of us want that but will be forced to do it in the end"

"As for when this will happen, it is said that it shall happen in exactly 1 year."

"So I've come here to tell you to prepare for the worst..."

Emperor Braham nodded to this and waved his hand to indicate for Braham to follow him to discuss their cooperation for the future in another room.


As Emperor Adran and Divine High Priest Adran were starting to discuss things privately there were some things happening in a realm far, far away...

Called the Demon Continent. There you could see a massive tower with a huge crimson eye made of fire that was surrounded by a huge castle as well as many buildings down below and a massive volcano in the background on the left side.

(Demon Empire, Picture Here)

At this moment within the castle, there were preparations being made for a massive formation that looked quite huge with countless offerings being laid down which were later on absorbed by the formation. This had to be done as summoning a specific "True Demon" needs massive resources. Though, the Demon Realm didn't lack those resources at all.

[This continued for 1 whole year.]

[To be continued...]


50 PowerStones = 1 chapter

100 PowerStones = 2 chapters

150 PowerStones = 3 chapters


[I will leave this for the future as well, which means that this will get added to my regular release schedule and will become "Bonus Chapters"]


Author Note:

This was my first time trying to write a chapter with more "details". The reason why I hate writing "details" is because I always feel like I'm writing fillers...

Y'know those AUthors that write like 2k words and 1.5k are complete nonsense without any substance? Exactly like that.


I added some easter eggs (from other stories, animes) and memes throughout this chapter as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing if you guys are able to find them. 😄

Do you have any ideas on how I could make it better?

Did you like it?

Is there anything wrong that I need to correct?