Info (New)


Yes I'm still alive!! If not just barely. Anyway, before we come to that I will be explaining what I will mention or tell you through this info "chapter".

-1st; Why am I half dead?

-2nd; Main Character Diablo character/personality (I wanted to mention this way before but didn't find any opportunity to tell you his)

-3rd (last); My discoveries over my writing style and how I want to write this story


1st: Why am I half dead?

Well first of all as I can't really use my fingers other then my thumb currently, I'm pretty much relying on the "recording" option on my broken smartphone to write this which is an inconvenience to say the least.

Anyway, back to the topic as to why I am half dead? So I will first mention how it happened:

I and my friend went out hiking 🥾 at a certain mountain (that I won't mention due to it being pretty close to where I live...)

And as we were going up and reached about halfway, the weather started to change into a rainy storm(which shouldn't have happened since I checked the weather to make sure that something like this doesn't happen but it happened anyway)

Therefore we decided to descend the mountain ⛰ but the weather just got worse until we reached a certain point where the "path" which is just mud and some stones at the side got pretty narrow.

Despite slowing down and making sure not to slip up and fall down to our death we still ended up doing exactly that...

Well, now you might ask why we didn't just go up again? To answer that question, I can only tell you that it isn't that we didn't want to but rather that we just couldn't since it's a free fall for a few meters which doesn't help to the situation we have been in.

Considering that it was raining like the world is going to end thus making everything very slippery and obstructing our vision.

Now, what happened next doesn't need a genius mind to find out. Since the free fall was just the beginning...

Which ended up in us continuing to fall down while hitting rocky surfaces and other rocky bumps (rock that penetrates out of the ground more) once in a while and since everything was so wet to begin with, the fee fall lasted until we hit the ground literally.

Luckily or should I say unluckily (?) for both of us we were able to keep consciousness through the whole ordeal!!

This of course saved our lives since we could protect our head when sliding/falling down so when we saw the ground nearing which is just another 5 meter fall like in the beginning of our fall we somehow miraculously managed to use our broken arms to make our feet hit first instead of our heads which would have resulted in our heads plopping like watermelons or us breaking our neck or something like that.

Well, at that point our adrenaline ended or should I say it ended when we landed on the ground? Anyway, we broke our feet as well, while I broke my left leg as a bonus of falling down awkwardly which isn't really a surprise.

Now I can't really describe the pain I felt after I dropped like a broken puppet to the ground. Just know that it is actually another reason why we didn't straight up pass out after that!

So it saved us in a sense since we took quite a while (I've no idea how long we took) until we called for help.

Btw the "ground" that I'm mentioning is just a big flat surface like stone so we weren't really at the bottom of the mountain but just "somewhere" (I don't know where tbh)

So after we did the call we sadly didn't fall unconscious like other main characters that can avoid the pain, no no no no no. We had to endure it until a helicopter actually came to get us since a car wouldn't really be practical in that place if you know what I mean.

Now, before we got saved (kidnapped) by them I and my friend where pretty light headed in those moments which I can still remember that we laughed and talked like crazy people from what I can remember (it's a blurry memory btw)

(Back to the Hospital)

Well, that is the absurd "story" before we reached the hospital.

And once we reached it I was already sleeping (I think I slept in the helicopter if not earlier)

And once I woke up there, I was a mummified.

Like: I have broken ribs, broken arms, broken hands (some fingers like my thumb luckily can still move, though it still hurts moving them due to the rest being in a not so okay condition) and lastly the legs.

Now, on some of them I had an operation already to put back the bone shards so that my legs or other areas where this is the case can heal properly.

AND~, that's it I guess?

(This Info "chapter" was supposed to be released 3 days prior but I forgot it due to having visitors, y'know what I mean right?)


2nd; Main Character Diablo character/personality

Now that we got the tragedy done I can finally talk about our Mc. (I must say, the last years especially this year have been very bad for me)

So Diablos character/personality: (human live)< —The Demon life will add more to it





-Depression (This is due to him losing wive, which he solved by going into isolation in that house near a village)

-Has a tendency of favoritism over kids (y'know, if you had grandparents then you would know what I mean since they like doting on children fo obvious reasons)<—So if he has kids... (Just a theory of a "what if question")

-Crazy (while he might have avoided making his depression stronger, he ended up going crazy which he himself doesn't realize btw)<— This was shown when he accepted death like it was natural which is indeed the case but most people fear it regardless of that but he welcomed it

Abyssal Demon (+) <—This is what his personality developed into while constantly slaughtering demons and other beasts


-Emotionless (suppressed emotions or rather he "controls" them)

-Ruthless (in the sense that he doesn't mind killing)

-Curiosity (Regarding Knowledge Or should I say "new things")

-No goal (Currently he has no goal but that will change in the "next chapter")

Last but not least his current state:

(He is like on "auto" mode, and only has short instances where he is truly himself and "awake" in other words) <—No worries, this will also change


3rd (last); My discoveries over my writing style and how I want to write this story

So when I was still able to write the chapters you guys accumulated, I realized that I can't and just don't want a restrictive writing style that other Authors use.

You might have already seen that I have been experimenting around with the first few chapters as the "writing style" that I used is different in some chapters.

Now you might ask what you can expect from what I call the ideal writing style for me.

Well, the closest to what I can call ideal is the newest chapter I had released.

So what is my writing style now exactly?

Well it's the "casual writing style".

What does that mean?

It means I have a general idea for where my story is heading to BUT I come up with stuff one the spot instead of having pre-written plan that I should use.

Which means that I might have a general direction and ending that I'm going to but I don't have an exact plan on what to write in between.

Now this has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages are very obvious such as:

-I can incorporate other people's (readers) ideas or suggestions

-I have variation (I won't have a constant repeat of the same stuff but new things)

-My chapters will or might feel more "natural" to you instead of a forced one depending on what I write such as certain things that I have in mind but won't tell you lol

-My writing style can improve instead of just staying the same throughout the whole story (well, the grammar department is pretty much the highest that I currently can achieve but other things such as phrasing or world building and such would change the more I write)


-I am wasting time when coming up with stuff on the spot

-Due to the above reason my release schedule wouldn't be all too great if I consider my job as well as the tight time I have for writing

-No inspiration or motivation (it doesn't mean I drop it but rather that I'm stuck or something like that and can't continue thus needing a break to be able to write again)

Last but not least

-Plot holes (Yes, this can and probably will happen at some point which annoys me greatly but I can't really do anything until it happens)

Author Note: (IMPORTANT)

First of all I hope you realize that I can't really edit the chapters that I have already written nor write new ones currently, due to my situation.

Anyway what I actually wanted to say and which will probably stay like this in the "long term" is that writing isn't my job but just a hobby of mine. (Yeah reading is also my hobby but that's where you have to start to end up writing stuff)

Now what most people might not realize when engrossing themselves with novels is that we Authors (most of them) have our own life's in real life to live which means that I can't focus solely on writing even if I wanted to.

After all I still have a job, friends, hobbies, family and so on to focus on.

Now imagine what happens when I want to add writing into my already sh*tty schedule.

At best I can write 1-2 hours a day which is barley enough to write the raws of a chapter.

Yet, you guys are blessed by luck since I'm as addicted to reading as I'm obsessed in finishing with something I started with, which doesn't allow me to drop the story even if I wanted to lol (this is unhealthy kids, I hope you learn from my mistakes or at least avoid them)

Well, I hope you guys had a good weekend cause I will end this "info chapter" now. Cya~,till next time.

Yours Sincerely,
