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Liz walked queitly through the corridor wondering what is wrong with her best friend.

"Liz?,liiz?,liz"called her deskmate as she walked to were Liz was standing,she stood there for sometime but Liz was unable to recogonize her presence."Liz?"she bumped herself slightly on her kellys shoulder "whats up?,you dont seem yourself,are you okay?her deskmate continued "its almost training time and your not ready yet,you probably not planning to be late are you?"

"Dont worry jay,ill be there in a minute"liz said as she run to her dorm to change into warriors training outfits.

In the other dorm next to Liz's dorm,keddy finished changing into her warrior training outfits were she stood before the mirror adjusting the the belt on her waist,she extended her hands making sure the collars were fine when she heard a knock on the door.

she looked at the mirror one more time admiring her own beauty before heading to open the door,"li...oh! its you, kelly"she said as she held on the door making it half open,"Hmmm!,dissapointed?,were you expecting someone else?"kelly said as she jerked her head aside while raising her eyebrows.

keddy looked at her for a moment,"she looked so cute,big pitch black eyes just like the midnight sky,her heart shaped lips were looking wet,seems like she just washed her face,how can she be this attractive?even though shes so annoying at times she's cute and tempting,so beatifull outside but a beast inside,an untamed beast,"keddy thought to herself.

Its almost training time what are you doing here?your not planing to get purnished,are you? its not like you can hundle it"said keddy as she moved aside to let her in.

"what about we share the purnishment,isnt that what friends are made for?"kelly said as she moved towards the bed,making herself comfortable as if its her home.

"miss vidic,i think your mistaken,i dont remember making friends with arrogants leave alone knowing each other?"keddy said as she went to sit on the chair near the studying table.

Kelly stood from the bed and started walking towards keddy who sat still leening her head backwads while facing the ceiling to avoid the pitch black eyes that she felt darting oover her.

"Dont you think it will be fun if the three of us shared it"she said as she raised keddy's chin with her fingure so that she can look into her eyes.

Keddy pushed her hand aside and stood up from were she was sitting,"and you seem excited about it,dont be over confident you never know"

"Of course its better than being curious,see you their,am looking foward to your skills"she said waving her hands as she made her way to the training ground.

Liz who had finished dressing up in her black warrior attire stepped out of her dorm with the door keys in her hands,she reached out for the door and locked it,she pushed it,alittle bit to be sure its properly looked,she then turned arround heading to the training grounds when she heard keddy's door click,she turned around and saw her friend locking her dorm,she took a brief look at her friends warrior attire where she wore a white belly top,and some white pants which were a little oversized for easier moving and her black sports shoes, she was an epitome of beauty with her hair tied in a neat burn.

For a moment her mind drifted to the time when she followed her to the corridor looking for Liz,she was still digesting the fact that her friend kept a cold ear to what Liz did when she cought sight of liz who left from one of the rooms with a messy hair covering her face."Liz"she called her as she took a few steps to her.Before she could stretch her hands and remove the hair from her face.liz turned herself to the other direction as her back faced kelly.

"i can feel you aren't a normal human but i dont give a damn of who you are,one thing i aant to make it clear is stay away from her,she is the only person i have and i care about others"

"Why should i"came the nonchanting voice,even though she was fassing the other side it was easy tell she had a wide smarkon her face.

"Just do as i say if you want some peace between us"warned Liz

Liz finaally turn her heard,while she removed her hair from her face, "and who said i want peace from you,if thats what you want so be it,we have equal chances shes not yours as she's not mine,so may the best gentlegirl win."