New mission

Sitting in his apartment while Hotaru is on his lap watching TV with a satisfied look on her face, as Ren was running his hand through her hair. Ren glanced at Hotaru briefly, and then focused his gaze on the [Missions] panel in front of him, and then checked his current mission.


[Mission 4: Covert Conquest(4)]

[Description: You have been the first man to touch Yuma's body, the first to kiss her, and the first to hear her moans. It's time to complete the job]

[Objective: Take Yuma's Virginity]

[Secondary Objective: Do it in Takeda's presence without him knowing]

[Reward: [Enjoyment the Virgin], [10,000,000 Yen], [5] Status Points, [3] Skill Points, [Peak Human Body], [Basketball(Expert)], [Sexual Pleasure]

[Extra Reward: [10,000,000 Yen] every week forever, [Peak Human Body Enhancement], [Basketball(Expert) Enhancement], [Status Points Double], [Skill Points Double], [ Sexual Pleasure Enhancement]


With a calm look on his face, Ren read the mission description and then moved on to the objectives-"(This is interesting)"- Ren thought, as he had had an occasional experience related to the second objective in his previous world.

"Hey Hotaru"- Ren caught Hotaru's attention, since she was concentrating on television, watching an anime.

"Yes, Ren?"-Asked Hotaru, while she was still watching the television.

"What do you think of the idea that I take Yuma's virginity in Takeda's presence, without him knowing?" Ren asked, causing Hotaru to take her eyes off the anime and return her attention to him, with surprised eyes.

"You're evil Ren, but I guess that's why we make a good couple." Smiling with amusement after the surprise passed, Hotaru relaxed back into her lap with her gaze fixed on him.

"When do you plan to do it and where?" Hotaru asked as she passed her hand over Ren's calm face.

"I don't have a date or place yet, that's why I asked you, since I want you to be the distraction"- Answered Ren, as he let Hotaru run her hand over his face, since it wasn't the strangest thing a girl could do. have done.

"How cruel, you plan to have sex with another woman while your girlfriend has to distract the couple"- With a hurt look on her face, which then changed to an amused one, Hotaru looked at Ren with a thoughtful look and then replied -" I agree, what if we do it in a dressing room of a shopping center? -.

Raising an eyebrow with an amused smile on his face, Ren nodded at Hotaru's words. "That's a good idea, we should plan it for a weekend," Ren said.

"Tomorrow?" With a curious look on her face, Hotaru asked that question.

"Not, tomorrow no, we will do it on Sunday. Since I have to 'cement' her infatuation with me in her mind first." Shaking his head, Ren went on to tell Hotaru another day to put her plan into motion.

"You're right"- Hotaru nodded at Ren's words-"We'll do it on Sunday, while on Saturday you'll ask Yuma out on a date"-Hotaru answered, while she looked Ren in the eye.

"Okay, we already have a plan, the only thing left is for the day to come" - Smiling both, they returned to focus on television waiting for Saturday and Sunday to arrive, to implement they last step of the plan. Which was to make Yuma fall completely in love with Ren. While Hotaru was in charge of distracting Takeda, so that he would not notice Ren's actions on Yuma.

For then after a few hours spending they time with each other while watching series, movies or anime on television, the two headed to the kitchen to prepare they dinner. To which after finishing dinner, Ren headed towards the balcony to find a blushing Yuma with an affectionate smile on her face and looking at him. And after a little, Ren kissed goodbye before going to sleep with Hotaru. Which wanted to do a 'night exercise', so Ren without disappointing his girlfriend fulfilled her 'whim'.


With the morning sun rising in the sky. Ren got up from the bed while looking at Hotaru, who was more presentable than in the night, since Ren being someone 'gentlemanly' cleaned Hotaru completely, and then put her to bed and sleep, after taking a shower too.

Heading to the bathroom to do his daily routine, Ren exited the bathroom after a few minutes, then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast for himself and Hotaru, since when she woke up it would be a little late for breakfast, and he didn't want to start. late.

Once in the kitchen, Ren began to make the typical breakfast of steamed rice, miso soup, and fish, with the extra vegetables as well. Several minutes after starting to make breakfast, Ren saw Hotaru coming, who sat down on the chair at the table with a lazy look.

"My words were confirmed, you are more dangerous in bed." Yawning at the end of her words, Hotaru looked at Ren with her sleepy gaze.

"It was only three rounds." Smiling amusedly at the sleepy Hotaru, Ren waited for her words.

"And in those three rounds she looked like a girl from a hentai." Looking at Ren with a blank look on her face, Hotaru continued with her words. "I even think I almost broke." Letting out another yawn, Hotaru finished her words.

"I'm not so evil as to break you"- Ren said as he looked at her-"If you were broken, I would lose your wonderful personality"- He replied with a smile.

"Aaah, you're so sweet"- Hotaru smiled affectionately towards Ren, and then smiled with amusement -"But that compliment doesn't mean you were about to break me"-.

"Well, it didn't work"- Shrugging her shoulders while letting out a laugh, Ren continued cooking, so that after a while, the 'typical' breakfast of Japan was ready. Ren moved towards the table with the help of Hotaru.

Sitting across from each other, Hotaru and Ren got to help themselves to they breakfast, as they weren't very fond of Japanese 'customs', as they didn't have they parents to instill it in they mind and body.

"When are you going to invite Yuma?" Hotaru asked after taking a sip of the miso soup, before moving on to the steamed rice.

Checking the time on his phone after listening to Hotaru's question, Ren noticed that it was 7:35 -"About 10, at that time everything should be open"-Ren answered, and then continued eating.

Humming at Ren's words, Hotaru nodded before continuing to eat Ren's prepared breakfast, until suddenly Ren's phone began to ring, causing a curious look to appear on both Hotaru's and Ren's faces.


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