The best deal I've ever done

Walking through the corridors of the mall heading towards the exit after finishing watching 'My Heroes Academia: World Heroes Mission'. The group of four people walked out with satisfied looks on their faces, as the movie was entertaining, which was what they were looking to spend on this last visit to the mall today.

"It was entertaining, I should watch the anime to see if it's just as entertaining" - Listening to Ren's quiet and calm voice. Hotaru and Yuma nodded their heads slightly since the movie was good and they wanted to know if the anime is just as entertaining since they didn't understand many things because they hadn't seen it.

"When we are at home we can look for the broadcast schedule on television or we can watch it on a platform that broadcasts it" - Hotaru said while looking at Ren since she wanted to see it, besides she had to talk to Ren about their plan and she wanted to know the result, although seeing the bright and exhausted state that Yuma had at the beginning. Hotaru could already guess that it was a complete success.

"Nn! I also plan to look up the broadcast times on TV, though if they show it too late or too early, I'll have to watch it on a platform that distributes it. Although I should see the price of this last one"- Smiling warmly while saying that. Yuma was thinking how much it would cost to see it on a platform, in case she couldn't see it on television.

"If you want I can recommend an Okazaki-chan. Are the one I have been using for a while and I fully recommend it" - Looks with a kind smile on his face. Takeda began to tell her what platform he watched the anime on since he used it in his spare time when he couldn't watch an anime on television because of his studies or club practices.

While Takeda was recommending a platform to watch anime while he was also saying the price. Ren and Hotaru were watching this with a calm look on their faces, as they could see that Yuma no longer saw Takeda as her boyfriend, rather, she saw him as her friend.

"Another one fell into your clutches, should I worry about the future?" Hotaru asked as she placed her hands on her cheek in an embarrassed tone. Which then changed to a mischievous smile on her face.

"Don't worry, you'll still have a bigger part of my heart"-Ren answered as he brought his face closer to Hotaru's. Which, seeing his approach, smiled gently, and then in a quick movement gave a small kiss and then walked away.

"That calms my agitated heart"- Pulling her tongue out of him while a mischievous smile adorned her beautiful face. Hotaru kept walking as a loving smile appeared on her face.

Seeing that, Ren shook his head slightly while smiling with amusement-"Women"-Walking towards her direction until he landed next to her. Ren and Hotaru started talking to each other about random things, while Hotaru had Ren's arm locked in her arms.

Approaching Yuma and Takeda. The latter was talking about different anime that he recommended to Yuma. Ren and Hotaru

approached them, where they included themselves in the conversation, which made Takeda's eyes shine brighter as he began recommending anime to them as well.


Several minutes had passed since the group of four left the mall, then headed towards the bus stop. Where in the middle of the trip, Takeda had to get off to go to his house, since he did not live near them. That's why he was able to get to the mall early because the mall lived near him.

Getting off the bus after a few minutes of travel. The group of three made up of Ren, Hotaru and Yuma began their walk towards their apartment complex while having a conversation with each other.

"It was the funniest weekend I've ever had"- Yuma said while a smile adorned her face since she had had a great time these days. And she had found a person who with just his touch made her feel something that she couldn't with Takeda-"That's why thank you for inviting me Ren-Kun"- Smiling tenderly towards Ren. Yuma thanked him for inviting her.

"You don't have to thank me, we've known each other for a long time and it's normal to invite you, right, Hotaru?" - Denying with his head, a calm smile appeared on his face. Ren said that as he questioned Hotaru since he too had been having fun these days.

"Right, we've known each other for a long time and it would be a shame not to invite you"- Hotaru replied with a soft smile towards Yuma, who had a brighter smile on her face.

"I still thank you" - Making a small reverence. The group of three continued on their way to their home, while they continued to talk among themselves since if you looked at it from afar, you could see that they were very close. To what extent, no one would know.

"See you tomorrow, Yuma-Chan"- Saying goodbye with a hug. Hotaru entered the apartment leaving Ren and Yuma alone outside, which made Yuma blush. Since the last time they were alone, they had taken another step forward in their relationship.

"See you tomorrow, Yuma"- Approaching her while placing her hands on her hips, pulling Yuma closer to her chest. She the latter she nodded with a blush on her face, as she looked into Ren's eyes.

"See you tomorrow, Ren"- Closing the small distance between them. Yuma kissed Ren's lips, who let him take the initiative to then dominate her lips and tongue. As she continued to let out muffled moans as she felt his kisses and touches on her body.

Separating after kissing. Ren entered the apartment leaving a cloudy-eyed Yuma. After a few seconds of recovering she entered her apartment. Where she could find her mother watching television with a curious look on her face.


Closing the apartment door. Ren headed towards Hotaru. Since she was sitting on the sofa of a single person. So after sitting her on his lap. Ren could feel her body relax-"It was an exciting day"- Running his hand through Hotaru's hair. Ren said that, since several things had happened on this day, which made it exciting, in addition to the fact that he had fulfilled what seemed like the last mission on Yuma.

"I agree, we should rest since we have class tomorrow" - Letting out a sigh of satisfaction. Hotaru leaned lazily on Ren's body at the same time she said that which caused her to let out a resigned sigh. "Fortunately, I have someone to support me, by the time I get out of these three years of school." Smiling mischievously while looking at Ren. Which laughed lightly upon hearing her words.

"Don't you plan to go to university?" Ren asked as he looked at her. Since he had not seen the anime and only knew it from a friend who recommended it to him in his previous life.

"Nope"- Relaxed even more in Ren's body. Hotaru glanced at him slightly, "I've got too much of that already, once I finish three years or rather two. Since there are only two months left to go to second. I'm not going to college and I'm staying home with you keeping me".

"Then you should pay me to keep you"-Smiling slightly as he looked at Hotaru. Ren ran his hand through her hair, waiting for the answer.

"I already paid you, you have my heart and body"- Hotaru replied with a smile on her face as she looked at Ren.

"The best deal I've ever made"-Laughing slightly at her words. Ren continued stroking Hotaru's hair for a few minutes, before going into the room to check the rewards, as he had noticed that he didn't receive all of them.


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