Under Vladimir's command...

Richard looked at Sara suspiciously, knowing there was no point in arguing.

Vladimir was always very responsive to his wife's opinion. He was decided without him being able to choose. All he wanted was to walk into that room and see for himself that the girl was indeed fine. It was maddening. Did she expect him to stay like this for seven days?

After she had passed the troubling bleeding, Sara had ordered the girl to rest. And the ancient practices... And the whole ritual in front of nature..

-What preparations, Sara? he asked despondently.

Rick shook his head in defeat. It meant work. The men would be in charge of hunting to secure meat for the brothers' supper and collecting firewood in the forest for the celebrations.

The terreiro would be tidied and decorated with washed lace and decorated with flowers for the ancient gods. He knew the rituals well, but the case of keeping away from the girl… That certainly had to be negotiable.

The old lady managed her best smile.

-Marriage, naturally. If you're going to share a room with the girl, you'll respect the traditions. If you crave the blessings of the great goddess and the ancient gods...

Richard growled at the edge of patience. Wedding? What if Cassie didn't accept him after all?

-But...- he needed to see her anyway.- We can certainly negotiate. My wife... Damn, she almost lost the pregnancy and... Of course I'll stay by her side.

-Very possessive and protective, boy. The girl is not going anywhere. She has my word. Believe me. You'll really enjoy a witnessing ceremony to refute any arguments from the Council of Elders, won't you? Who knows maybe the blessing of heirs for a large family?

Morgan sighed loudly. So Cassie had probably told him everything?

- None of this was supposed to happen, Sara. She didn't know the girl was in trouble. I believed she had decided on her own to leave. - He grumbled in the height of shy frustration. - Do you realize how many dangers she unknowingly faced? If it weren't for Lili, he wouldn't have found her before Garro... Damn it! I almost lost it! I need to see you. My son... every damn betrayal nearly cost my son his life.

Sara smiled with some satisfaction. She was one of the gypsies with the gift of sight.

-And who told you or made you think it's a son?

Rick shrugged. He hadn't thought of the detail, of course. He could be a girl. And may the Goddess help. If he pulled the mother's stubbornness...

-Sure. It could be a girl. She will be greeted with joy. I only ask that you come in health and in times of peace. Curse of...

Sara laughed and her smile lit up the delicate face of bland features despite the slight rebuke.

She nodded with all understanding.

- Moderate your words. You're going to be a married man from now on to be cursing like this all the time. Your kids... It's going to take a lot of work to keep quiet and not pick fights with your brother. Let him come to terms with the justice of the Gods. It's going to be a lot of work, you and your wife with two kids...

Rick sighed. Sure. maybe another pregnancy in the future...

-Who told you it would be in another pregnancy? This time, two come soon. So that you learn to be more patient and less rebellious.

Richard stared at her in amazement. As well?

-Two? You mean two at once?-She ​​managed to find her voice after a few moments in silence.-I mean two, you know? Two at once? I need to sit...

Sara sighed seeing the boy dizzy with the news.

-Vladimir's orders are for the two of them to stay in their quarters and safely while they resolve the situation with his brother. As far as I know the matter is already in the care of the human village authorities..

- Does Cassie know? - the man managed to ask suspiciously. - I mean... I told her they were... were... Two at once?

-A couple, my son - she replied generously. A boy and a girl. Now try to calm down while they sort out this whole mess.

The old lady's eyes widened in amazement. Young! He wasn't so sure the girl would agree and was visibly nervous. He could easily read her thoughts.

-Naturally. She likes you. Sincerely. Why all the fuss? The council should have been overjoyed at his choice. It's a mestizo. Half-bloods are always chosen by pack alphas. Why wouldn't I? I know all the confusion there was, but believe me... These are difficult times that come... The plague... Not everyone has resistance when it attacks and changes people's lives. Cassie would be safer at home. At first, there were no problems, but now when old diseases attack us again... Let nature take its course and all this is just a bad phase that happens now and then. And with you in trouble in the city... She and her son wouldn't be safe. Never question the wisdom of the gods... Everything in life has its reason, boy. It would be too much work to protect just one...

Richard Morgan bowed his head. errors. He had a miserable list of mistakes. Compassion! He couldn't blame the girl if she refused him. He'd been so glad to hear the comments... As had she...

-Oh, Sara, I was... She's not easy either, did you know that?

A cocky, jealous wretch.

-There is another child...And she is stubborn. A perfect combination, don't you agree? Ah, now two quarrelsome. Wait for what? Luckily, both of them have the command and protection of guardians. Or she wouldn't be staring at me like this... She would be... crying over her and her children's grave.

- It's a lot of information and...- Rick stopped leaning against the wall livid.

- Your family will be big, boy. A family of seven. You'll be pretty busy with work once this is all sorted out. And her brothers and brothers-in-law...Faith will soon be pregnant.

-Cassie is just stubborn, and... and...

- Mestizos are rebellious creatures by nature, but sensitive. They are creatures of Nature itself. There is ancient and primordial power in their blood. Peeiras. This is their greatest strength and their greatest weakness, my boy. It's up to you as alpha to protect her. She will grant the pack strength as her mate.

For a miserable week, hiding all his frustration and bad temper, Richard had decided to return to activities.

Gaia's initial mission when setting sail was to verify recent needs that are a priority. Provide shelter for the winter. There are still sick people around town who need care. Help comes from Muir who will take care of everything. Men he fully trusted searched the city, mingling with the local population.