Chapter 9

Harold was looking at a pair of amber eyes and felt intimidated. It was bizarre considering that the owner of those eyes was a black ragdoll cat who had never left his gaze on him nor did he move from his stiff sitting position on the coffee table. The cat was not being hostile, but he was not being friendly either.

"So your name is Bubbles huh? Cute." Harold said.

Bubbles kept staring at him. Initially, it was adorable, but now it was beginning to get eerie. It felt like the cat was sizing him up. Granted it was an unexpected twist to be invited in at Rayne's place, but he welcomed it.

Earlier, Harold was planning to go to the gym when he saw a female delivery rider walking along the hall. This was the first time in the month since he first saw riders coming over to Rayne's unit. Was that woman going to eat takeout for the rest of her life? He thought.

Without thinking, he followed the rider to Rayne's front door. The woman was startled to see him at first then gave him a smile that indicated she was immediately smitten with him. "Sir?" She said.

"Is that for a Miss Rayne Valera?" He asked.

"Yes sir."

"Great. Hand it over, I'll give it to her myself." Harold was now digging into his pockets for some money to tip the rider.

"But-!" the female rider protested.

"No worries, you won't get in trouble. Here," he said as he handed her a few crumpled bills. "For your service, for helping me out and for your silence."

The rider stared at him as if he had gone insane but took the money and left. Harold began to knock on the door. Wide brown eyes greeted him.

"What in the world? Professor, are you doing some sideline as a rider?"

"Lay off with the professor title. Do I look like a scientist with exploding white hair?"

Rayne appeared to be ignoring him and peered over his shoulder with a slight frown on her face.

"If you're looking for the rider, she was long gone, and don't worry, I gave her a generous tip."

Harold swore that Rayne looked like she would explode. "Why would you even do that? Now I have to pay you back, how much was it?"

"It's fine."

"No, it's not fine. How much?"

"None. Don't bother paying me back as I won't accept it."

"Oh come on!"

Harold leaned against the doorway and handed her a paper bag. "Now do you plan to get your food or are you going to keep arguing with me?"

Rayne took the bag and almost closed the door on him, but she seemed to change her mind. The next words he heard shocked him to immobility.

"Come on in."

It took a few seconds for him to sink in that she was inviting him in. He almost immediately entered her apartment.

Rayne's apartment screamed minimalist from the nearly bare white walls with very few framed paintings of cats and mountain landscapes to the gray and black sofa and chairs that looked more functional than comfortable. The coffee table was made of glass and stood on three wooden legs that had him thinking he would try not to bump with it or it would break.

"Make yourself at home," Rayne said casually as she strolled towards the kitchen. Harold sat on one of the chairs and was surprised that it was quite comfortable.

At the corner of his eye, a black blur ran and jumped on the glass coffee table. Harold saw that it was a black cat who was eyeing him as if in suspicion. He was an animal person even if he was not able to have a pet when he was younger because his parents were allergic to animal dander.

Harold could not help but stare at the cat as he was such a beauty and there was a majestic air around him. However, the cat looked like he wanted him dead.

"Void, no, don't creep him out." Rayne reprimanded.

"It's okay, animals like me," Harold said meeting the cat's eyes and giving him a friendly smile. It was true, cats and dogs do like him as proven by Agatha's cats and Jasper's dog. Also, did Rayne call that cat Void?

Was he seeing things or did Void look like he does not buy any of his crap?

"Bubbles! To me!" Rayne shouted at the cat.

Bubbles. That was a much better name. As typical with most cats, he ignored his human and continued staring at Harold like he was assessing this other human.

"Look, dude, I was invited in by your human. It's not like I forced myself in," he whispered to the cat.

"Rwr." Bubbles said still staring at him as if he could see through his soul.

"What do you mean you don't believe me?"


"I don't think-!"

He was interrupted by Rayne popping behind a couch eyeing the pair with a raised eyebrow. "You two sure are chatting up a storm." She said drily. "Are you friends now?"

"I'm getting there," Harold said then saw the food on the dining table. "Do you always order takeout food?"

Rayne laughed. "That would be the life if I did. I can cook, but I just was not in the mood for it. Cut me some slack, I do cook from time to time." She said defensively when she saw the horrified look on his face.

"From time to time?"

"I'm not like most people okay? My work hours are…different."

"Somewhat, but you should find time to cook for yourself."

"Like you do? I'm surprised you're even here. Don't you have a class to teach or some professor work you need to do?"

"Not today."

Harold had no idea what drove him to stand up and went to Rayne's kitchen and began to open her cupboards and check their contents. She rushed towards him and was scowling at him.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" she shouted as she nearly pounced on him and grabbed his arm.

"Huh, canned sardines, mushrooms, pasta, sugar, oh canned peas? Corned beef…!" He was interrupted when Rayne grabbed his arm and she closed the cupboard with a slam. "You got some good supply of food and they're all meant to be cooked." He added ignoring the warm touch on his arm.

"I am aware prof, but you are not my mom so stop nagging. Now get away from my food stash." She said as she pulled his arm.

Harold let her drag him away from the kitchen and back to the dining table. She was still holding his arm as with her other hand she carelessly pulled a chair and pulled him beside it.

"Sit." She commanded.

"I am not your cat."

"Hardly. You've seen how Bubbles never listened. Since you're here, how about you join me for lunch?"

"Dinner." Harold corrected. "It's already 7:12 in the evening."

Rayne's eyes widened. "I've been in bed that long? Yikes. Well, fine, dinner."

"Don't mind if I do. What did you order?"

"Biryani rice, samosas, mango lassi, hummus, pita bread, beef shawarma…!"

Harold looked perplexed. Wow, this woman loves her food alright. "Are you going to eat them all?"

"Nope. I guess I overdid my order. Oh well, you're here."

"Yes, I thank you for treating me like I'm a garbage disposal for your excess food."

Rayne laughed as she began to serve him some biryani rice, and samosas and put the plate of pita and hummus in front of him. Harold thanked her and took one pita bread and broke off a piece of it then dipped it in the hummus.

The two began to eat quietly, occasionally trading conversations about random topics as well as complimenting on the food. There was a companionable atmosphere between them.

For Harold, he had never felt this comfortable around anyone, especially with a woman.

Rayne was an anomaly. Most women he met were extremely conscious of what and how they would eat. They would either try to be dainty or seductive. With Rayne, she did not care if she ordered food for three people or how she genuinely enjoyed eating.

Their conversations flowed smoothly like wine and it felt natural. Harold did not feel like he was stepping on the glass when talking to her, worried that she might take offense. With Rayne, he did not need to be concerned if he was being impolite.

However, he would need to do something about Rayne's habit of relying on food deliveries. Then an idea popped in his head.