Chapter 11

"Tracy? Hi, it's Harold. You said you know some people who could help me soundproof a room?"

Tracy's cheerful voice let out a whooping sound. "Yup! When would you need it?"

"As soon as possible."

"Hmm, I'll get in touch with my uncle this week. Hopefully, he won't be too busy."

Harold grinned over the phone. "No problem, thanks for the help."

"Anytime, bro."

Harold ended the call, set his phone aside, and went to the balcony staring out of the view of the trees outside the building and the houses peppering the mountains distances away. He looked down and saw the swimming pool below. He had seen the swimming pool when he occasionally went to the gym. He wanted to give it a swim, but his classes and his upcoming project had kept him busy. Once everything settled down, he would take a dip in the pool.

An hour later, Harold left the gym after his usual workout and was craving a meal. He had been eyeing the ramen restaurant that had just opened, which surprised him as the pandemic showed no signs of stopping; however, some people still pushed on in earning a living and feeding people.

Harold was about to go to the restaurant, but he saw a woman walking toward the pool. She was wearing a light blue cotton robe and was carrying a towel. She looked like she was heading to the condominium pool. Forgetting about his craving for noodles, he discreetly followed after her.

He then watched her looking for a suitable lounge chair, tossed her towel, and then her robe revealing a dark blue one-piece swimsuit with a keyhole cutout and a tie front.

Harold let out a low whistle. The woman was beautiful, and it did not matter to him that she was on the curvy side. He had always leaned on the voluptuous side when it came to women, although, in general, he loved all kinds of women. He continued watching the woman who sat on the lounge chair and eyeing the pool contemplatively.

As if sensing his gaze, she looked up, and recognition flashed in her features. "Hey, Harold!" She waved at him.

Harold blinked. Does he know this woman? He wondered. Have they met?

"Hi." He waved back at her, even with a slight frown. Who in the world was she? The woman then got up from the chair and approached him.

Harold nearly died of embarrassment when the woman got closer to him. How could he not have recognized Rayne? Had he gotten so used to her messy buns and crumpled clothing that seeing her in a swimsuit and with her hair loose made him think she was someone else?

Heat rushed on his face, which had nothing to do with his recent workout. Not only was he ashamed that he did not recognize Rayne immediately when she passed by, but he was also now feeling exceedingly uncomfortable seeing so much skin from her. Hell, he was hurting below his waist already.

"You're going for a swim?" She asked, completely unaware of his discomfort.

"No, I just got back from the gym." He said. It was not like he was stalking her when he was supposed to eat ramen.

Rayne shrugged. "Okay. It's a hot day, isn't it?"

Harold rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh yeah, sure is." He said as he glanced at the window of the condominium's in-house restaurant and bar. There were few people inside, either drinking or eating brunch, and while none of them were looking out of the large windows of the restaurant, Harold was aware that there would be that potential idea of someone watching her.

And he hated it.

"You're not worried about being stared at?" Harold blurted it out without thinking.

He felt he was screwed, especially with how Rayne stared at him. Her eyes were in narrowed slits, and a frown was on her features. Harold was about to apologize, but her expression changed to a more comical one as she briefly glanced at the restaurant's windows. He swore she looked surprised that there were people inside.

"Huh, I didn't know that Elements reopened."

Harold stared at her in disbelief. Was this woman for real? She has no self-awareness that people can and would look at her. Sure, most would resume whatever they were doing or ignore her existence, but a few may stare longer and leer.

I was not leering at her! Harold was shouting at himself. Loudly clearing his throat, he looked away and focused on the pool. "Oh, is that what the restaurant's name is?" He said.

"Yup, they have an all-eat-all-you-can merienda during the afternoons. You sure you don't want to go for a swim with me?"

"I'm sure…hey, what are you doing?!"

To his horror, he felt Rayne grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the pool. Luckily for him, he was stronger and bigger, so all she managed to do was tug his arm while he firmly planted his feet on the ground. With his other arm, he grabbed her on the waist and pulled her closer to him.

Harold had to swallow a groan the second time he felt her soft and warm body against his. It was worse when he was very aware of how her breasts pressed against his chest. The thoughts rushing in his head were so lurid he wanted to slap himself.

Instead, he slowly extricated Rayne from his arms and held onto her shoulders. "You're such a goofball." He said as he tried to keep his voice light.

"And you're strong. I get the hint, no swimming." Rayne said as she pulled away from him.

"Right. Maybe next time."

She shrugged and then jumped into the pool, making a big splash and hitting Harold and some of his clothes on the face. He saw her emerge from the water and stuck her tongue at him.

"Weirdo." He muttered as he waved at her.

She waved back at him with a cheerful smile on her face. "See ya later!"

"Yeah." He said softly as he walked away, forgetting his craving for ramen.