Chapter 13

Rayne eyed her open cupboard. Inside were various canned food ranging from sardines to luncheon meat. There were even packs of pasta and various sauces. Below the cupboard, Bubbles was also looking up at the contents of the cupboard intently.

"No, your cat food and treats are in another cabinet." Rayne turned to her cat and made a face.

Bubbles meowed as if in protest. Rayne stuck a tongue at him. She swore the cat glared at her then resumed staring at her cupboard. Then she grabbed a pack of linguine, a can of mushroom, and a pack of béchamel sauce.

Thirty minutes later, Rayne was eyeing the large bowl of pasta on the counter with a frown. This was too much for herself and there was no way in hell she could eat this on her own. She took out another bowl and put half of the pasta in it. She was now sprinkling parmesan cheese from each of the bowls. She took one of the bowls and placed it inside a food keeper.

With the other bowl, she took it and turned to Bubbles who was eyeing her closely. "You can't eat this at all. You're lactose intolerant remember?"

Bubbles let out an outraged meow and glared at her.

"Yes, I am going to give it to the professor next door. You want to come with me?"

Bubbles ignored her and proceeded to climb on the counter beside the food keeper. Rayne let out a laugh. She was very much aware that her cat was guarding their lunch. She waved at him and then exited her apartment.

Rayne was standing in front of Harold's door and she wondered on when did she becomes this generous? While she was not a food hoarder, she was not hosting feeding programs either. In all her time in the complex, she met a few of its inhabitants and had remained civil with most of them, but she never ended up becoming friends with them.

Harold seemed to be the exception. They may have started at the wrong foot, but in time, they became friends thanks to food. Bubbles still has to warm up to him, but at least he did not run away from him when he first saw him. It was hilarious to see her cat trying to intimidate a man.

Rayne knocked on the door and when it opened, she was surprised to see a woman behind it. The woman was just as startled to see her then her gaze landed on the food. She gave her a friendly smile.

"Hi!" She said.

"Um hello. Is Harold...?"

The other woman cut her off. "Yup, he's here just washing up. Come on in."

Rayne just nodded as she got inside his apartment. The other woman seemed to be bubbling with energy, she observed. She was friendly, which she liked as she rarely met people who were openly welcoming. She was also attractive with bright brown eyes and her dark hair was up in a high ponytail. She was also dressed casually in jeans and a plain gray shirt, making her wonder if she was Harold's younger sister.

"Hey Harold, get your butt in here. Someone's looking for you." The woman called out.

Harold appeared and his eyes widened upon seeing her. "Rayne? What's up?" he asked as he tossed the towel he was wiping his hands on the couch.

"Sorry to bother you, I didn't know you have visitors, but I brought some grub," Rayne said.

"No worries." He said and noticed the bowl she was holding. "Great timing, we were about to have lunch."

"Great." Rayne handed him the bowl. "Enjoy your lunch."


"And before you ask, no, I made that myself. I told you I can cook."

"So you finally found the time and managed to reduce the contents of your cabinets."

The other woman was watching them closely with her eyebrow raised and shaking her head in wonder.

* * *

Tracy watched the scene before her and she was not sure how to react. She was used to having women approach Harold with gifts. Most of the time he would decline them. If they were persistent, he would take the presents and politely thank them. He never throws them away as he was not a mean person, but he was not too happy about receiving them either.

This was the first time she had seen him look thrilled about a gift. Although one possible reason was that it was in the form of food. Anyone would be ecstatic in being given food, including Tracy. It was also the first time someone gave her friend a more practical present.

Tracy wondered if this was the next-door neighbor Harold was talking about. If she was, Harold would have to double his efforts in winning her over. This woman strikes her as a what you see is what you get kind of person. She does not take any bull from anyone and she was not easily impressed. This woman was treating Harold like a normal person, not gushing or giggling mindlessly at the sight of a handsome man.

It was quite refreshing to see. Tracy thought smiling to herself.

"Yes, I have. Don't worry, they're not expired yet."

"How reassuring. You want to join us for lunch?"

The woman blinked. "I don't want to impose."

"You're not. By the way, that statue over there is my friend and colleague Tracy. Tracy, this is Rayne, she's my next-door neighbor."

Bingo! Tracy thought as she nearly bounced towards Rayne and waved at her. "Nice to meet you!"

Rayne waved back, giving her a slight smile. "Likewise."

"Is this guy giving you grief?" Tracy asked as she threw a playful grin in Harold's direction. Harold scowled at her.

"No, he's a good neighbor," Rayne said. "As long as his classes are not too noisy."

"Good news, you don't need to worry about that anymore. We just installed some audio barriers." Harold said pointing to the gray and black padded walls in the living room.

"Yay. I can sleep properly now." Rayne said and looked around her. "Ooh, nice walls."

Jasper came out of the kitchen and stopped beside Tracy. "Are we going to…oh hello there." He said. "New friend?"

"This clown is also my co-worker and best friend, Jasper. Jasper, this is Rayne the neighbor." Harold said dryly.

Rayne waved at him. Jasper returned the gesture and then gave Harold a sly smile.

"We got lunch too. Rayne sent us some food." Tracy said.

"Awesome. Would you like to join us?" Jasper asked.

Rayne shook her head. "Thanks, but I don't want to intrude."

"Nonsense. The more the merrier."


Tracy put an arm around, Rayne's shoulders. "We don't bite."

Jasper laughed while Harold made a choking sound. "I don't either, but not sure about Harold."

"Hey…!" Harold protested.

Rayne laughed along with Jasper. "Alright, I'll join you guys. Thanks for having me."

"No problem," Tracy said. "Any friend of Harold's is a friend of ours."