Chapter 15

"You're more of a PC gamer?" Jasper was asking, looking at Rayne as if she were an alien.

"PCMR." Rayne gave him a smug smile.

Jasper narrowed his eyes behind his glasses. "You are such a snob."

"Excuse me?" Rayne scowled at him. "Just how console gaming is better?"

"Because there's a controller."

"Sure, but I feel that the keyboard and mouse are objectively better."

The two continued to argue about the benefits of playing from PC versus console while Tracy was watching them as she was chewing on her garlic bread. She snuck a glance at Harold, who was eating quietly but noticed how he wanted to slam Jasper's face on the plate of pasta.

My, my, when did he become the green-eyed monster? Tracy thought. In the short time she was here, she had been observing Harold. Her longtime friend was a charming man with everyone, even if there was a hint of detachment in some of his interactions, especially with overeager women.

Tracy was aware of his dating life, and while not as colorful as Jasper's, Harold would never run out of female companionship. It would be easy for him to get a woman to date him.

However, Harold seemed to be having difficulty with Rayne. He was trying to charm her, but it did not affect her. Although, with the way they were staring at each other earlier, he may be getting close.

Now Jasper was practically monopolizing the other woman. Tracy bit her lip to keep from laughing. Jasper is a hardcore gamer who reverts to his nerdy self when he encounters another gamer, and he forgets that other people are around him.

Chances are, he now sees Rayne as a new best friend because he found they had something in common. Good thing for Rayne but a bad thing for Harold because when Jasper finds someone he becomes comfortable with, he will not let that person go and would mostly hog that person's attention.

"Why don't we test that out?" Jasper was now saying, and he looked riled up.

"Now?" Rayne was surprised at the sudden challenge issued to her.

"Test what out?" Tracy was now confused; then, understanding dawned on her features. "Jasper, are you crazy?! We're not at your house!"

"Oh no, it's fine. Mi casa es su casa." Harold said casually as he made a careless wave of his hand. "But can we finish eating first? I like to savor my food, especially when someone special made it for me."

"Huh?" Rayne stared at him, puzzled at what he had said, then she let out a tiny grin. "Wow, that's the first time someone appreciated my cooking that didn't drop dead."

"Oh, even if I died, I'd still love it."

Jasper looked like he wanted to throw up while Tracy hid her grimace. Her friend sounded so cheesy right now. Too bad for him, as Rayne misread his words.

"You're weird," Rayne said, shaking her head. "I am glad you like my cooking, though."

"It is pretty good," Tracy said.

Jasper nodded in agreement.

Rayne was touched by their comments and thanked them. The rest of the lunch went relatively uneventful. When it was time to clear the dishes, Jasper and Harold volunteered to do it and asked the women to sit back and relax. Harold would have declined his best friend's offer, but Jasper's tone brooked no argument.

"C'mon, Rayne," Trace said as she put her hand on Rayne's arm. "Let's do what they say and hang out in the living room. I'm curious about your work as a VA. Is it as hard as some people say?"

"Somewhat. If you have experience working for a call center, then it would be easier to adapt to the job itself."

Their voices trailed off as they walked to the living room. Harold and Jasper were carrying the dishes to the kitchen. Inside, Jasper put them in the sink and began to turn on the water.

"I like her," Jasper said as he grabbed a dishwashing sponge and the liquid dishwashing soap.

"I know. You've liked her since-!" Harold rolled his eyes.

"I meant Rayne. She's a little distant but is quite easygoing when she relaxes." Jasper abruptly cuts him off. "She's not your usual type, though."

"Oh really? What is my usual type, Mr. Expert?"

"The ones that you can charm easily and dump just as easily. Usually, they're airheads too."

"They were not airheads."

"Aha, you didn't bother to deny the first one I said. Also, I have never seen you look at me so murderously, and I was being friendly."

Friendly my foot. Harold thought. Jasper was practically hogging Rayne during their conversation. What was worse, Rayne completely fell for his charms. Harold had to admit that Jasper had a particular aspect of his personality where people would immediately relax around him, and it looked like Rayne was not immune to it.

It was not fair, he thought. His friend had effortlessly broken the ice around her, while for Harold, it took several cups of French vanilla coffee and slices of cheesecake for her to be civil towards him.

Jasper was now soaping the dishes. "Don't worry; I won't steal your girl, so stop eyeing her like that dragon in Fiona's tower."

"I know; you're practically devoted to someone else. How do you do it? You make people feel they can confess everything to you, even who assassinated the late senator Ninoy Aquino."

"The hell? You make me sound like a priest."

"Hardly; you don't touch little boys."

"Don't let my mom hear you say that. Seriously, I don't know; maybe from my dad? He has that tendency to listen to everyone without being a prick. Now, going back to your lovely neighbor, she's great, but you would need to clarify your intentions. She has no idea you exist beyond being her cheesecake provider and your pasta chef."

"Gee, thanks for the boost of self-esteem. What do you suggest?"

"Take things slow, not too slow; just slow enough for her to realize you're interested."

"That is the most useless advice I had ever heard."

"You have more game than I am; you should have an idea."

"Coming from a guy who dates models, beauty queens, and politician's daughters, I find that hard to believe."

"You two connected with food. Use that."

Harold looked thoughtful for a moment, then muttered: "That should work once I managed to impress Bubbles."

"Bubbles? Who the heck is Bubbles?"

"Her cat."

Jasper nearly dropped the plate he was rinsing. "Are you saying you plan to date the cat too?"

"He's part of the package, and you, of all people, should know that given how protective you are towards Alexei," Harold said, referring to Jasper's Siberian husky.

"You're right. Is she a cat person? That explains her aloof nature. Good luck with her; you're going to need it."

"What makes you think I'm going to!"

"I know you too well, Harold; what you say doesn't necessarily mean that's what you're going to do."

* * *

A pair of dark eyes were staring at the bright screen of her desktop computer in shock. The message on the screen startled her when she first tried to send a message.

This person isn't receiving any messages at this time.

This person isn't receiving any messages at this time.

This person isn't receiving any messages at this time.

This person isn't receiving any messages at this time.

Frustration and sadness mingled within as well as anger, as she realized he blocked her from sending messages.

"How dare he block me?! I had done nothing but be devoted to him, and this is what I get?! No, no, no! Something had to be done about this!" She was shouting, then she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

Minimizing the browser window, she clicked on an onion-shaped icon and began typing a few things on the search bar. It's time to ask for that favor.