Chapter 30

Harold was alternating between looking at the menu and observing Rayne. He had always found her attractive, even if she was not dressed like she was tonight. He also liked that she was never afraid to express herself, but she also knew when to back down. Most of the women he dated in the past would insist on him paying for everything and still whine about how he treated them, even if he was quite the gentleman.

Harold focused on the menu once again at the same time, feeling the hardness of a box inside the pocket of his jacket. This was an impulsive purchase on his part, and he wondered what possessed him to buy it. Would she even accept it or throw it in his face? He was debating within himself if he should even give it to her in the first place.

"Sir, ma'am, are you ready to order?" The waiter's voice broke through his jumbling thoughts. He looked up from the menu and nodded at the waiter.

"Me too," Rayne said as she closed the menu. "I'll have cheese lumpia sticks, kalabasa puree, Ruins pasta, Ruins iced tea, and fruits and yogurt."

"I'll have the same for the drinks and dessert, but mine's Baguio Bagnet." Harold bit back a smile. She was always food motivated and did not care who knew based on the slightly surprised expression from the staff. He loves that she was never affected by how people see her. It was rare to see in anyone, let alone from a woman.

Once the waiter left with their order, Rayne gave him a sheepish grin. "I'm a bit hungry."

"You always are. Kidding aside, you're still sharing, right?"


"I'll share mine."

They both burst into laughter.

Several minutes later, their food arrived. Rayne admired the dishes and how they were presented. Since she ordered a full-course meal, her appetizer was first served, which she began to eat after thanking the waiter. She offered a piece to Harold, who took it. He returned the favor by giving her a spoonful of rice and bagnet.

It was a replay of their lunch at James Wright Café and their recent breakfast at McDonald's, but this had a more intimate air. Harold would be careful in feeding food to Rayne, while Rayne would wipe his mouth with her napkin or, in one instance, with her thumb. That had Harold gasping and grabbing her wrist, then lightly sucking on the tip of her thumb.

Rayne's eyes widened, but a few seconds later, she gave him a warning look. "Behave."

Harold grinned even if her thumb was still in his mouth. "Okay, okay, I'll stop. For now," he released her wrist. "Although, I can't guarantee my behavior next time."

"You…!" She muttered, then sighed. "So, now that we're partly fed, what's the plan after this?"

"Well, I got something for you." He blurted out without thinking as he felt the solid burning through his jacket pocket.

"Ooh, more flowers? Chocolate?"

"I'll keep the chocolate part in mind next time. This was sudden, so I would understand if you won't like it."

Rayne narrowed her eyes. "If it's a dog-!"

Harold made a raspberry sound. "No, not a dog. But it's something else." He nearly slammed a white box on the table.

She stared at the box and then at him. He opened the box revealing the name PANDORA under the cover. Rayne gaped at the sight of the brand name and then saw the ring inside it. The ring was a round, brilliant-cut cubic zirconia that sat between a row of shimmering pavé and a transparent, glossy black enamel on a sterling silver band.

When she turned to look at Harold again, she still had a shocked expression on her face. "I'm not marrying you." That was what she ended up saying.

Harold blinked at her then laughed. "Wait, you misunderstood. I don't plan to marry you." Yet. He added silently.

"Riiighhht. Then what is this supposed to be?!" She gestured at the ring with her index finger.

"It's a promise ring."

"A what? Isn't that a ring that one wears under the promise to God that they will abstain from sex unless married?"

It was Harold's turn to look shocked. "The hell?! Hold on, what you're saying is a purity ring. Why would I give that to you? I'm not your dad, and I'm not even sure what your religion is. This," he pointed at the ring. "Is a promise ring. I know it's quite outdated, but this ring means a commitment between couples to stay together. See? I have one on." He showed his right hand, and on the ring finger was the same ring, except it was red.

"Fine, I get it. I'm Catholic, by the way," she said. "Although, a relationship?"

"Don't tell me you forgot about our conversation by the poolside."

"Oh. That. How could I forget that? Are you sure?"

"Very much so. I still like you, you know." He said playfully. "Honestly, I love you."

That rendered Rayne silent once again, her eyes now glued on the ring. Without looking, she stammered in a squeaky voice. "Y-you l-love me?"

"Yup, not from the moment I saw you, but as I got to know you better. You're real. I mean, what I see is what I get. You never fail to express yourself, even if you sometimes end up stepping on people's toes. You're a great cook and quite sweet. You're strong and independent. You're capable and reliable; you're caring and loving. I need you in my life."

Rayne took the box and was still staring at the ring, then placed it back on the table and put her hand on Harold's. "I don't know what to say. This is just unbelievable. Normally, I read this in books, but to experience it is wild."

Oh what the hey? She could be honest with herself and with him. She took a deep breath and grasped his hand. "I like you. As weird as that sounds. But I was afraid that you don't feel the same way even after what happened in the living room."

"Gee, making out with you was one of my fantasies. However, I prefer it with your consent. Yes, consent is sexy. Yes, I love you. I will keep on saying it until either you punch my face in or you believe me."

Rayne let out a choked laugh. "I don't need to hurt you, I believe you. Now, why don't you put the ring on me?"

Harold raised an eyebrow. "If I do, you know what that would mean."

"I think I do."

"Good." He took out the ring and put it on her ring finger. "You're mine, and I'm yours."

"Works for me." She smiled at him, and he swore she looked even more beautiful.

They stared at each other for a long time, and as if pulled by the vital force of their attraction, they leaned closer until their lips almost met.

"Sir, ma'am, social distancing po."

The waiter's voice had them bolting from their seats. Harold gave him a sheepish smile while Rayne murmured an apology.

The waiter gave them a polite smile. "Congratulations." He added as he noticed the rings on their fingers.

"Thanks," Harold chirped.

Rayne let out a shy smile and then turned away immediately, becoming suddenly focused on her food, or to be more accurate, she started eating like there was no tomorrow. Harold found it amusing. She sensed he was staring at him and gave him a brief scowl before she resumed eating.

Minutes later, they were enjoying their dessert and drinking water. "Too bad, cinemas are still closed. We could go for a movie." Rayne sighed wistfully.

"Yeah, but there's Netflix," Harold said playfully. "then we could chill."

Rayne's response was to kick him under the table. He let out a grunt of pain and gave her a look that promised divine retribution once they were alone. She ignored him and then wiped her plate clean with the garlic bread, finishing it in three big bites.

Harold asked for the bill as Rayne had gone to the ladies' room. He was contemplating whether they would walk along Burnham Park or go straight home. However, going home does not appeal to him, and he had a feeling Rayne would not like it either.

Rayne returned a few minutes later. "What now?"

"A walk in the park?"

"Sounds good. We can burn off the food we just ate. I heard that the night market resumed operations, so how about a little shopping?"

"Sure, just don't get carried away."

They ended up in a swan boat at Burnham Lake, seated across each other but holding hands. There was a companionable silence between them as they enjoyed the view of the artificial lake and the lights surrounding the park.

Harold felt like he had won the grand jackpot in the lotto. He finally got a response from Rayne; now, she was his girlfriend. He also did not expect that she would feel the same way as he does. He was mentally and emotionally preparing himself to be rejected, doing his best to bury his feelings for her and remain her friend forever. He would even attend her wedding if he were invited.

Luckily, he did not need to suffer in silence. His gaze landed on the ring around her finger. He was not surprised she chose the one with the black band. After all, it was one of her favorite colors. She accepted it and had him put it on her finger was surprising. She accepted quickly. He vowed to himself that he would love, protect and respect her regardless of how long they would be together. He intended to have Rayne as his significant other with marriage in mind.

For now, he would take it slow with her, and he was a patient man.

Whatever happens, they would face them as a couple.