Chapter 3: A weird old man

When All might say that I couldn't be a hero I felt that something inside me broke. I thought that even if he said that I'll be okay but deep down I always wanted him to recognize my efforts but life it's not kind.

Suddenly I heard Katsuki's voice and only saw him trying to punch All Might. I was startled and before I tried to say anything he started to yell at All Might.


When I heard all the things that Katsuki I felt a warm feeling in my heart, but I needed to stop him or else it could cause him problems and potentially wouldn't be accepted in U.A

"It's okay kacchan, I know that All Might didn't tell all those things to hurt my feeling, even if he doesn't believe in me, I will not stop trying to be a Hero," I said trying to smile but out of nowhere tears started to fall.

And before I realized I was running away but the tears didn't stop.

Damn, Damn Dam! I just ran to my house that wasn't far from here.

Why of all the Heroes that could say that it had to be All Might?

It just feels like the cruelest joke ever.

After my mother's restaurant become successful, we bought a mansion but that's a story for another time. I run towards my run to take my Spear ignoring all the All Might merchandise and went to the backyard.

I promised my mother to only use it when an adult it's present, but training is the only thing that could make me feel better and it had to be my real spear.

I started making the basic spear movements: Thrust, Strike, and Cut.

I could make more complex movements but as my mind wasn't clear I only did those.

Why do I train all those years?

Why can't they recognize me?

Why did they treat me like I was less than others?

Why could those lazy assed have quirk but I can't!?

It's being Quirkless a sin?

I just wanted to be a Hero to help others I don't give a shit about fame and glory!! I could be an underground hero and couldn't care less.

Why does it feel like all chances are against me?

Are really the havens forsaken me?

"FUCK!!!" I yelled as I destroyed the last mannequin in the backyard.

I just started at the sky asking why these had to happen as tears started to fall again.

"Maybe it would be better if I di.."

But then I slapped myself twice.

I yelled, "Control yourself Midoriya Izuku, this it's not the first time that life treat you like this."

As I started to regain my cool, I started thinking. I remembered the first time they told me that I was Quirkless, yeah, I cried for a couple of weeks but I was only 4 years old I strengthen my will to become a Hero so I started training. Quite funny that I from 10 years ago would have the strongest determination than the current me.

My mother never gave up on my dream to become a Hero and supported me even if she had to take more jobs, be deprived of sleep, and on top of that taking care of me. What an ungrateful son I am, doubting myself after all her sacrifice.

And she wasn't the only one that believed in me, all my masters taught me everything they knew, my companions that encourage me in my tournaments.

Kenshin and Kenichi that even if they knew I was Quirkless from the beginning treated me with kindness like a normal guy, helped me to train and get better.

Katsuki and his family, even if at the start Katsuki was a pain in the ass we became rivals and friends, he helped me train when I need a sparring partner and I gave him ideas of how he could use his Quirk in a more versatile way. Yes, we bad-mouthed at each other but it's just the way our friendship works.

The idiot even dares to punch All Might for saying that I couldn't be a Hero for being Quirkless.

I'm such an Idiot breaking down only because All Might said that I couldn't be a Hero. Even if All Might was the reason, I started wanting to be a Hero doesn´t mean that is the only one. I do want to help people with or without his blessing.

I have people that supported and believed in me.

So, what if All Might doesn't think that I can't be a hero?

So, what if society thinks that?

I don't give a shit about them; I will become a Hero.

Even if the heavens themselves try to stop me I would not give up.


After I said that my spear started glowing and seven jewels appeared.

What the actual ...

But before I could end the sentence the light intensified.

And the Midoriya's backyard was empty.


In a blank space, a young man with green hair appeared.

FUCK!! Eh, where the hell am I? Izuku was confused about being in a weird place that is all white.

Don't tell me that I became the main character of one of those novels of the Pre-Quirk era where the protagonist gets summoned by a God or Goddess to help another world to defeat the demon lord, if it's true what a freaking cliche! Izuku screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Certainly, I'm not a God or a Goddess and I don't know what a Demon Lord is young man." Said a mysterious voice.

"Who's there?" Said Izuku a little nervous.

And in front of him, an old man with red eyes, long eyebrows, long mustache, and a hip-length white beard secured by a purple band crossing down it dressed in black cloth and a white haori but the most notable thing about him are two long scars in form of an 'X'.

"Hello, young man I was waiting for you." Said the old man with a smile.

"Do you know me, sir? Cause I don't recognize you; can you please tell me who are you and what's your name? "Asked Izuku a little more relaxed seeing that the old man didn't want to hurt him.

"Mmm strictly speaking I don't know you young man but believe me when I said that I was waiting for you. And for who am I? You could say I'm only a lingering will of the past that doesn't have a name, but you can call me Genryūsai." Said the old man.

"So Genryūsai-san if you don't know me, then why are you waiting for me? By the way, my name is Midoriya Izuku."

"Well, you see Izuku I didn't know that it would be you the one to awaken the last Asauchi ever made." Said Genryūsai pointing his finger at the spear that the green-haired young man had in his hands.

"Asauchi? Do you mean my Spear?" Said Izuku a little bit confused

"Indeed, usually, the Asauchi are katanas that the Shinigamis wield to purify souls but destiny sometimes it's funny and made it a spear, so it seems that your destiny was to wield a spear."

"Wait WHAT!? Shinigamis, purify souls, destiny? Does it mean that if I have this Asauchi I will become a Shinigami?" Izuku asked with a complex face

At that moment Genryūsai made a heart felling laugh "Hahahaha worry not Young Izuku, yes I said that you awaken the Asauchi it doesn't mean that you have to become a Shinigami, they don't even exist in your world, and even if I said destiny you don't need to something, you can do whatever you want with it after I teach you how to use its real power."

Izuku only could feel relief that he didn't need to give up his dream to be a Hero for such a thing as a shitty destiny. But wait Genryūsai-san how long would be the training I can't leave my mom alone. Said Izuku with a worried face.

"Mmm the most skilled young man that I know took around 2 years to develop his power to his apex and the next one took him around 30 years."

Izuku could only open his eyes for the information he got "What!? 2 years at the minimum, and it could take longer, I can leave my home that long." Said Izuku with a worried face.

"Hahahaha, worry not young Izuku, in this place, there's no time so you would not get old, you won't feel hungry, but you will feel tired and need to rest, so at the time you leave this place, it would be like if you never came here. So, there is no problem."

Izuku felt relieved and excited this was the dream of every martial artist in the world it's like that very old anime of the pre-Quirk Dragon Ball Z they had a Hyperbolic Time Chamber that one day in the outside was equivalent to a year, but this is many times better since there's no time limit.

"Well, Genryūsai-san how do we start?" Said Izuku excited.

"Well, first I need to check your spear it feels quite different from a normal Asauchi."

Izuku then passed his spear to Genryūsai-san.

As Genryūsai-san was examining the spear his eyes got wide open. "Curious... very curious."

"Excuse me but what is curious?" Izuku asked.

"You see Young Izuku an Asauchi is a nameless Zanpaku-tō that new Shinigamis received to mold it to his wielder, the Zanpaku-tō use a fraction of the Shinigamis soul so normally it is one Shinigami one Zanpaku-tō but in your case technically you have seven Zanpaku-tō so you have seven different Shikai and Bankai."

Izuku looked confused. "Genryūsai-san what is a Shikai and Bankai and how could I have seven of whatever that is?"

"Oh, sorry boy, let me explain better first I will need to explain a little more about the Zanpaku-tō, a Zanpaku-tō it's the manifestation of the owner's soul and have a unique name that the Shinigami needs to know so he uses his Shikai and Bankai."

"A Shikai it's the first form of a Zanpaku-tō to use it you need to talk with your Zanpaku-tō in your inner world and learn its name, it sounds easy but not many Shinigamis could make it. After learning the name, you only need to say his activation command and say the name of your Zanpaku-tō."

"A Bankai it's the second and last evolution of a Zanpaku-tō, to reach this level the Shinigami needs to materialize the spirit of the Zanpaku-tō in the real world and subjugate it. This is many times more difficult than acquiring a Shikai but its power is at least 5 times stronger than the Shikai."

"So that is the reason I don't understand why I don't understand how you can have seven Zanpaku-tō, the only thing I could think it's that your soul is very strong, flexible, and complex so only having one Zanpaku-tō wasn't enough."

Izuku was perplexed all his life he toughs that besides his martial arts didn't have any power and could only feel excited to get that power.

Genryūsai-san looked at me and spoke. "I know it sounds amazing and everything, but this also means that you will have to train at least seven times more than a normal Shinigami."

Izuku only smiled and said, "Don't worry Genryūsai-san I'm used to having to train many times more than people should."

Little know Izuku that he would regret those words.