Chapter 15 Ill-wisher [Edited]

Sun Lin(???)

Level 87

Health 1740/1740

Energy 870/870

Status Healthy

Chen Ming examined Sun Lin. He pretended to check her pulse. But he actually checked her status. He, after seeing the poison status had disappeared, let out a smile.

Mission Completed

Receive 1 Qi Foundation Level Pill Concocting Scroll.

Chen Ming, after checking Sun Lin's status, turned to Zhong Yang before speaking.

“The poison has been completely expelled. Soon the young miss would wake up and regain her consciousness.”

Zhong Yang was glad to hear that. He was relieved and grateful to Chen Ming.

“Thank you young master for your kindness. If not for Young Master, I don’t know what will happen to young miss…”

Chen Ming shook his head before speaking.

“I only did what I was supposed to do. I did it for the things that I needed. Hopefully Merchant Zhong will still remember the agreement between us.”

Merchant Zhong heard that and smiled before hurriedly taking out the jade and respectfully giving it to Chen Ming. Compared to Heavenly Blood Medicine. This piece of jade could only be regarded as rubbish.

Chen Ming happily accepted the jade. He looked at Xiao Wen with a smile before walking closer to her. He wished to give it to her.

“Wen Jiajia, I want to give this to you as a thank you gift.”

“Young master…This”

Xiao Wen, who is still wondering where Chen Ming got Heavenly Blood Medicine from. was drawn out from her thoughts.

She looked at the jade that Chen Ming had handed to her. He genuinely wanted to give it to her.

She didn’t know why she felt the sweetness in her heart. She had many suitors who wanted to court her even if she was just a servant.

They gave her countless gifts and precious things, but she didn't care. She didn’t even bat an eye at them.

But this time, Chen Ming gave her a gift. Not only did she not feel bad about it, She felt good that he gave it to her.

She knew that Chen Ming gave this jade to her from his honest heart. She had never felt this way before. That Chen Ming gave her something was worth more than the thing itself. He tried to get it. Not for himself, but for her, his Jiajia.

‘JiajiaIt doesn’t sound so bad isn’t it’

Xiao Wen smiled before speaking.

“Young master...No Ming Didi did you do all of this just to give me this jade…”

*Didi = little brother

Chen Ming nodded before speaking.

“Ah, Umm yeah I saw that Wen Jiajia have been looking at it for a long time. I think Wen Jiajia would like it. And I'm also looking for a gift to give to you as a thank you for you will be taking care of me in the future. and become my cute Jiajia.”

Xiao Wen's heart pounded slightly. She looked at the jade before nodding and taking it with a smile.

“Thank you, Ming Didi(Ming Little Bro).”

Chen Ming smiled before nodding his head and turned to Zhong Yang, who was looking after Sun Lin. Chen Ming saw that everything was going to be fine and thought to say goodbye to Zhong Yang. But

“Ming Didi. Wen Jiajia sense a huge numbers of killing intent.”

Chen Ming nodded his head, and he could feel the killing intent as well. The killing intent was not directed at Zhong Yang or Sun Lin, it was directed at him.

“These guys must be some of the people who thought of killing me. Wen Jiajia, let's get out of here. Otherwise Merchant Zhong and Young Miss might be in danger. I don’t want that.”

“I understand. Let it be Wen Jiajia's duty.”

Xiao Wen took out her sword. Her sword was a flexible sword. She pulled out from the area around her waist. She always carried a sword with her.

Chen Ming knew that she had a high cultivation. The fact that she carried the sword with her all the time did not exceed Chen Ming's expectations.

Chen Ming turned to look at Zhong Yang before speaking.

“Merchant Zhong, we must go first. There seemed to be some ill-wishers trying to kill me. Merchant Zhong, after this, quickly finds a new place to live. Be careful."

Chen Ming then gave him some money in case he didn’t have it.

Zhong Yang could sense the seriousness from the conversation that the two had said earlier. He just nodded. He didn't have any way that he could help both of them. He could only thank them and go away with his Young Miss.

Chen Ming then came out of the shed where Zhong Yang and Sun Lin lived. He came out and found that the people in the slums had all hid in their sheds. In front of him stood a group of men in black with veils surrounding him and Xiao Wen. Looking at the number, there were approximately 40-50 people.

“Didn't think that the famous Chen Clan's Young Patriarch would visit such a remote area. What an honor that the noble one has come to visit here. By the way, Young Patriarch, are you satisfied with this area?”

“If the Young Patriarch is satisfied, I can make it your resting place forever if you wish.”

Chen Ming's brows furrowed together, ignoring the words of the black robed man in front of him. He immediately checked his stats.

Name: Zhang Sanfeng

Title: Leader of The Black Tiger Group

Level: 42

Stage: Qi Foundation Stage(High)

Health 420/420

Energy 210/210

Zhang Sanfeng was the leader of the group as he was the one with the highest level of profound strength. The others were only at the beginning of the Qi Foundation Stage.

“You guys probably didn't know that Xiao Wen was at the Qi Gathering Stage, right?”

Chen Ming thought it would be like that. If the other party knew that Xiao Wen was at the Qi Gathering Stage, They definitely wouldn't have sent someone of this level.

And as expected Zhang Sanfeng was surprised he looked at Xiao Wen to determine if what Chen Ming said was true.

Xiao Wen knew what Chen Ming wanted.

She released her profound energy to scare them. This was within the calculation.

The men in black group when they felt the pressure coming from Xiao Wen was that of the Qi Gathering Stage.

They were afraid some tried to run away but it’s already too late.