Chapter 110 Shorten the heavens

The serpent, after dodging Chen Ming, countered him by spewing its poisonous mist.

Chen Ming saw the poisonous mist sprayed out at him and he dodge it by using a sky step to stay in the air,

The poisonous mist was extremely powerful. This poison was well known. as it just touched the body and it may be able to infiltrate the body through skin.

‘I need to be careful even I have dragon bloodline I didn’t know If I could withstand this poison’

As for Elder Mei Pingshan, He had Seven Colored Cloud Grass with him. It helped negate the poison when approaching him. This attack of the serpent therefore failed to reach him.

Chen Ming thought of what to do to get rid of the poisonous mist and he got an idea He change his lungs in to dragon lungs

He then breathed out a dragon breath. His breath was more powerful than the poisonous mist

The blazing blue flames easily destroyed all the poisonous mist.