Chapter 130 Completely crazy

Chen Ming was confident that Li Xiaolong still had some high-grade pills. He was a disciple in the Sword Saint Sect that was known as the number one sect in terms of reputation and number of disciples. It's not strange to have a very valuable medicine.

Xiao’er who was in the store looked at Li Xiaolong but shook his head. He was the one who had to deal with the aftermatch by himself. He took Li Xiaolong to a room in the tea house.

Dongfang Gu and Xiao Wen hugged his arm all the way back to the Chen family home. People looked at Chen Ming with a huge change in their expressions and eyes. They respect the strong.

After the three reached the Chen family home. Chen Ming then took the girls to Zhang Lin's residence. He wanted to make sure that Nothing would happen to his mother. Even though he knew that Little Long would never allow anything to happen to her and his unborn sibling.