Chapter 155 Highest Confidential

Xiao Wen thought for a bit before coming to a conclusion. She told her grandfather what she thought. Her grandfather, upon hearing this, immediately rushed out of his house in a hurry.

He did not hesitate, jumping over the houses and buildings towards the school at his full speed. This speed of travel was faster than using a car.

Meanwhile, Chen Ming had already headed towards the restaurant on the opposite side of the school. The restaurant was not too far from the school. He didn't even need to drive his car.

Chen Ming crossed the street and arrived inside the store. The receptionist welcomed him. Chen Ming often eats at this restaurant. He could be called the VIP guest here. And just as he was about to tell the staff that he wanted to open a VIP room, he heard the sound of Xie Lin talking to someone.

That sound was well known to him. He sighed and walked towards where he heard the sound.