Chapter 184 Taking action

"How about it. Don’t you want to trade with me?"

Chen Ming smiled. Long Hu was easy to read. He probably thought that he was good at hiding his thoughts, but not at all, it was all on his face. As if to say that he can deal with him and take the money and the woman anyway.

They were the ones who think that they can do anything because there were a lot of them.

‘They are the type of people who don't see the coffin, don't shed tears. Alex and Austin seem to be taking action now. Hopefully, those guys don't play things that are too loud. even if we have the country support us. But not everything that they can hide if we are not careful.’

Chen Ming didn't want to be annoyed by those who had their eyes on him. If he can manage things quietly, He will. but if not he would just make it big that they couldn’t help but stop.