Chapter 186 Blend in

Huang Xinyang spoke up. His expression wasn't that good. He was fortunate to not run ahead of his subordinates. Otherwise, the poor soul would be him.

“Everyone be careful, take a good look, can you see that there are wires attached to the wall? The wires are so sharp that just by touching them. you will be cut”

Huang Xinyang said. His hand was injured now. He saw the blood-stained wires. He tried to pull it off. As a result, his hand was wounded.

He didn't try to pull the wire where it was sharp again. He went to the end instead. Before using the gun to shoot the end of the wire, which is the wall. when the part of the wire connected to the wall is destroyed The wire slack and fell off the wall. causing lack of tension and sharpness Huang Xinyang did this with several wires. Just a the first fall. He found more than thirty wires trapping them.