Chapter 212 Large and Long

Xiao Wen and Xie Lin now panicked. They don't know what happened to them. Their senses were greatly strengthened. It was as if their senses had expanded.

They can feel their surroundings more clearly. They hear and see images in high resolutions that are impossible for the average human being.

If they normally see images in mini-HD, they now see 4k images at 120 full framerates. This kind of thing is impossible.

“What happened to us? Why do we suddenly have horns growing out of our head not only that but everything felt so unreal. We didn’t get high because of pills made from herbs Chen Ming fed to us right”

Chen Ming gave them body-enhancing pills. It looked suspicious but they still take it because it was Chen Ming who gave it to them even it was poison they still took it because they knew Chen Ming would never hurt them.

Xie Lin thought that they were hallucinating now.