Chapter 249 Her reason

Two years ago.

Kang Lan was currently lulling Kang Ye to sleep. Her face was filled with sadness. She was now injured from a fight with her enemies.

She was fortunate that there someone helped her and Kang Ye out of danger. He fought with her enemies. He looked like a monkey. She knew instantly that he must be Sun Wukong’s Avatar.

Even though He was a nemesis of her bloodline She will still repay him when everything was over.

Now that she was out of danger but she knew that they will not stop hunting her. She need to protect her daughter at all costs and bringing her along was not an option.

She will soon be separated from her baby. Kang Ye was only three years old. She shouldn’t have come across something bad like this.

In the bedroom, beside Kang Ye and Kang Lan.

There was still another young man. He wasn't lying next to Kang Lan and Kang Ye. He was talking on the phone. It seems that his calls were not answered.