Chapter 264 Destroy an army

Kang Lan saw what General Jiu was trying to do. She looked at Chen Ming. Chen Ming nodded at her. He told her that he wouldn't be too harsh on the soldiers. But as for General Jiu, he shook his head. It was implied to her that this person. he will not guarantee his safety.

She just smiled and tell Chen Ming that he didn’t have to guarantee this person's safety, she even supports him.

“Soldiers took this mortal and imprisoned him. Wait for Prince Jiang's verdict.”

The soldiers who listened to General Jiu's orders, no one refused. They immediately headed towards Chen Ming. They held onto Chen Ming's shoulder before speaking.

“Do not resist, you are guilty of unauthorized encroachment into the ocean world.”

Chen Ming heard that and smiled. General Jiu, seeing Chen Ming's smile, couldn't help but speak up.

“What's so funny? The invader will be severely punished. See how long you can smile.”