Chapter 268 Crippled dragon

“Damn, what kind of crazy technique is that?!”

Huang Jiang tried to heal his hand but to no avail.

Chen Ming let out a laugh. He gathered his strength once more, preparing to use his palm to break the pulse on Huang Jiang again. He had so many techniques, why did he decide to use this technique? He wanted to destroy Huang Jiang's entire pulse. to prevent him from using Kang Ye's power

“I will destroy you. You dare to touch what belongs to my daughter."

Chen Ming's eyes changed. His dragon eyes shone brightly with wrath.

His power rose higher.

Huang Jiang was now realized. that even if he could increase his strength in the Martial Ancestor Realm. He would never win if Chen Ming had completely destroyed his pulse.

He looked to Deng Yi and Teng Nan for help. But now both of them were on the ground. They couldn't even move. Huang Jiang didn't have much choice as he aimed at Kang Lan.