Chapter 303 Repair the bridge

Chen Ming lightly touched Kang Ye's head. He passed on the knowledge of the formation to Kang Ye. She closed her eyes, receiving the knowledge from Chen Ming. when she had received the knowledge. She opened her eyes with excitement. She rushed into her bedroom. before taking out the magic wand she made at school.

She flicked her rabbit-shaped wand back and forth. before posing with a magical girl pose. Her clothes had changed. became the clothes of a magical girl. This formation did not create the clothes out of nothing but it was just a modification of the original clothes that were worn according to the user's desire.

it didn’t last forever it has its duration though. The longest time this formation would remain intact was twenty-four hours. Chen Ming was able to maintain this formation for twenty-four hours. But Kang Ye can only maintain the formation for a few minutes. But this was enough to satisfy Kang Ye.

She hurriedly ran to hug and kissed Chen Ming's cheek.