Chapter 316 The greed

In the foreign media at this time, the news was reported that an enormous tree over a hundred meters tall appeared overnight. Along with a young woman claiming that she was Chang'er, the most beautiful god in the heavens.

The picture in the news came out like a movie trailer. It feels astonishing and wonderful.

News agencies when this news had been broadcasted out. had received a lot of criticism. Some say it's a story that was invented to create a trend. various conspiracy theories. People were very interested in it this kind of thing.

“How could there be such a big tree? It's against nature. Funny, do they think it's in the Jack the Giant Slayer's storybook?”

“Goddess reincarnated into the mortal world… Absolutely nonsense. Do you think people are so stupid?”

Those who said that was the person who does not watch the news If they had seen the news that was broadcasted by Chinese journalists for everyone to see, They definitely wouldn't say that.