Chapter 350 One hand covering the sky

Guang Lihai frowned. He now feels a shiver run down his back. He felt as though he was about to face danger. He, who can think like that, but shaking his head, how is it possible? He asked the elders and disciples to patrol around for a kilometer. There is no way to have someone attack him without knowing it as before.

He looked in the direction of Duanyang city. He was wondering why no one has sent news yet. This is when the elders have to report the progress for a long time.

"What happened. Why did the elders not yet give me the report? "

Guang Lihai does not know that at the moment, the forces that he is confident to be able to deal with the Chen family and Chen Ming has been cleared. Moreover, Yao Meiguanyin, who would be a reserve force, was also dealt with by Chen Ming.

"There must be something bad that happened. Don't tell me that even Yao Meiguanyin fail the task. "