Chapter 413 Finally home once more

In Xie family home. There's a meeting right now. The person who called for a meeting was Xie Ergui.

“How did the plan go?”

Xie Ergui spread his black wings. before sitting down in his chair. He looked at every demon in the room. The plan he was talking about right now. is a plan to overthrow the Demon Queen's rule.

The Ox demon spoke up in a strong voice. His voice resounded through the hall.

“The plan is going well. I think we'll be able to get her off the throne very soon. Until then, we will deal with other races, it will not be a problem.”

Xie Ergui looked slightly at the Ox Demon before nodding his head. Soon, his dream would come true. He will lead all demons into a new era. He will terrify all humans. The demon shall rule the world once more.

The mortals must atone for the sins they have committed against the demons. Xie Ergui wanted to say something to the ox demon. but before he could speak He heard the sound of Xie Yang's voice.