Chapter 420 Only the powerful have a voice in this world

Xie Ergo now looked at Chen Ming. He had already heard from his brother about Chen Ming. His brother was trying to find a way to bring Chen Ming to join them. But it looks like it won't be in time. The Demon Queen sold herself to Chen Ming. for him to join her.

Such a despicable queen!

He really didn't know. Chen Ming and Demon Queen Ni Yue had a deep relationship with each other before He thought that he might be able to buy Chen Ming back. If he had given him something better than the Demon Queen had given him.

There are many beautiful demons in the Xie Clan. They were beautiful and had bodies that all the young demons would crave for. He would give Chen Ming a harem full of beautiful women if he wanted to. the only thing he needed from him was he must join his clause.

Xie Ergo tried to think of different ways. He thought that in this way, Chen Ming could be bought. However, Ni Yue's next words destroyed all his plans.