Chapter 439 Chen Ming doesn't care

Chen Ming stood still, before turning to the Duke Sunford. He tilte his head slightly before speaking

"Hmm, what did you say? I didn't listen to your bullsh*t just now. "

Duke Sunford had a very dissatisfied look on his face. The guards receive their order headed directly to Chen Ming.

The guards immediately arrived in front of Chen Ming. They tried to drag Chen Ming out of the mansion. In order to punish him. But Chen Ming's body was as heavy as a mountain. They cannot move Chen Ming's body at all.

"What are you doing? Why don't you hurry up and take this thing out! "

Duke Sunford was now very angry. He wanted to punish Chen Ming right now with his own hand but before he could he heard Morgan said.

"Duke Sunford, if I were you I would be more careful. He was a royal knight. You probably don't want your land to be on fire, right now right?"