Chapter 548 Supply room

Agalta told Chen Ming that they were now extremely short of food.

He wanted Chen Ming to help open supply rooms for him.

According to the information he received, the supply room had no electricity.

The food contained therein can survive almost infinitely thanks to their preservation technology.

Chen Ming heard that and became interested. Technology like this is invaluable to space travelers. To him, it might not be worth much. Because Chen Ming didn't need food to live. In fact, he didn't even need to breathe.

but he was eating and breathing It was because he did not want to forget his humanity. Besides, who can resist eating cheese? No way.

“Okay, I will help you guys in this matter, don't worry. Where is the supply room?”

Agalta heard that Chen Ming would help him, and he was very glad. He immediately led Chen Ming and Ao Ertian to the supply room.


An underground city, a hundred meters deep from the spaceship.