Chapter 574 For Survival

Chu Chenting, after announcing an important matter to the disciples within the sect, He returned to his residence. Besides him, Wei Tang who was the Grand Elder. And his best friend came with him.

It seemed that Chu Chenting had something to say to him.

Wei Tang, the Sect Grand Elder, saw Chu Chenting's worried expression. He couldn't help but ask.

"Sect Master What happened? Why is your expression so tense?”

Normally, Chu Chenting shouldn't have such a worried expression on his face. It was as if something big was going to happen to the sect.

Chu Chenting let out a sigh. before turning to Wei Tang. He was considered the closest person he could trust the most. He let out a breath. before speaking

“I have obtained important information. It seems that our sect will face a major catastrophe after this. The hidden evil sects began to move. Their goals are unclear. But if I had to guess Their goal is to destroy the Green Leaf Sword Sect…”