Chapter 576 Strict Sect Master

Jade Bamboo City.

At this moment, the disciples from the Evil Sects had gathered together. They came here with great feelings. They were ready to face the disciples of the Green Left Sword Sect to one side.

For a long time they were oppressed from doing evil. It's time for them to declare their power.

inside the big restaurant The old lady now had a slight smile on her cheeks. But even though she smiled Her tears flowed.

“It's full of customers. But why did I feel so bad? Where is my profit? The loss is devastating!”

It's true that there were many customers. But no one paid for the food. Eat for free, they didn’t even try to pretend.

This was the daylight robbery.

All of the Evil Sect disciples were now enjoying their meal. It's even more delicious because it's free.