Chapter 588 Domain

Hao Gui swallowed his saliva. He was an Inhuman, unfortunately his taste buds did not return after returning from the dead. He had forgotten the taste of the food. until this morning what Chen Ming gave him It revives his taste buds.

He didn't think he would be able to taste food like this again.

Chen Ming was definitely not a person who was petty. He invited Hao Gui to eat cheese and drink wine with him. Of course, how could Hao Gui refuse this wonderful invitation?

And while Hao Gui was being led to the dark side by Chen Ming, He heard something scrunch against the door.

Crunch Crunch Crunch Crunch

Hao Gui looked at the door with a sharp expression. before he recited something and pointed his finger at the door. He paints something in the air with his finger.

On the inn's door, some Chinese characters appeared. As soon as the Chinese characters appeared, a howling sound from whatever outside rang out.