Chapter 593 Dimensional Trap

Along the way, Chen Ming encountered a large number of Yin-Yang Flowers. He kept it all. He wasn't sure which flowers could be planted. and which flowers cannot be planted it needed to be planted by those who had knowledge of it.

No wonder the person who knew how to grow it was Kang Lan. She was looking for a way to make Kang Ye born into this world as quickly as possible.

Chen Ming was able to walk forward for a moment. he stopped walking

“Come back…to the beginning again…”

This was his problem as to why he couldn’t still go to Chang'er, Hua Lan and Enrica.

Even if he could use Yin as a medium to sense them. But there are dimensional traps. Causing Chen Ming to return to his starting point every time he made a mistake.

He just let out a breath. He looked on the map. This map was obtained by launching a drone. The map doesn't seem to have anything complicated at all. It is a quadrupedal corridor layout with each room being a square.